× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
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On the move, I get a message something like can't move into the same block.

Ah, I see, it works in RSE but not in CODE. I've tended to develop in CODE, because it is faster. But my new machine now has 1 GB memory, so I'm more inclined to try RSE. In CODE, the problem is, I put my cursor on a line, press Alt-R to start a rectangle, then put the cursor a few lines down and to the right, press Alt-R again to finish the rectangle (or drag). Then I put the cursor on the top line of the rectangle, to the right or left of the rectangle - not in it. I get the message that I cannot move a selection into itself. I have 5.1.2.

BTW, another behavior that has always been a little irritating - let's say that I have selected a few lines by dragging down while the cursor is at the start of the lines. If I click on the line immediately below the selection, and at the beginning of the line, before the first character but not in the sequence number area, it does not deselect - I need to click somewhere else. In the first case I need to be very precise - more so than, say, the editor for VB. In the second case, it seems weird. Not serious enough that I can't get around it, but, as I say, just a little irritating.


At 09:43 PM 8/28/2004, you wrote:
Vern Hamberg wrote:
As an example, when I drag to select something, I normally expect that clicking somewhere will unselect. But for some reason, sometimes it does not. I have to use Alt-U to clear the selection.

Dragging, by default, marks a stream selection - a subsequent cursor move or mouse click should indeed clear it. I can think of two scenarios where the selection will not be stream (i.e., where the cursor is not coupled to it and, therefore, you need Alt+U to deselect):
1.- the default selection is set to e.g., character in Window > Preferences > LPEX Editor > Block.
2.- the anchor of the selection had been already set (e.g., Alt+B - for a character selection), so subsequent mouse dragging will just extend it.

The selection type in effect can be queried from the LPEX command line:

Another case -- I'm not always to move a rectangle to the right or the left in the same set of lines - end up having to copy, then delete.

The move involves a copy and then a delete so, if it is done on the same lines, the result, though correct, may occasionally seem odd at first. If you have a specific scenario where things misbehave, please let me know.

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