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There's no resource of which I'm aware that deals specifically with WDSc.
It seems as though knowledge of CVS terminology is "just assumed" in every
CVS client I've ever used, and such an assumption can be a short-term pain
in the neck.

You don't set the version - CVS does that for you, and increments it as
necessary when you commit resources to the repository.

A couple of conceptual things to keep in mind whilst using the WDSc CVS

You start by sharing the project, or by checking out an existing project
into your workspace.  This establishes the connection between the repository
and your workspace.
You keep in sync by synchronizing, as needed, with the repository.
When you synchronize, there are several options you have within the window
showing variances between your resources and the repository:

1. Add to version control - this is required for new resources you've
created locally, select it, then when you commit, the new resources will be
sent TO the repository
2. Commit sends your changes TO the repository
3. Update brings changes TO YOU from the repository.
4. Override and commit - recognizing that there are irreconcilable
differences between your workspace and the repository, this option allows
you to force synchronization
5. Override and update - same deal, only the current view of the world comes
TO YOU from the repository
6. If you're working in webfacing using v5.1, you may find that after
converting screens that exist in the repository, these resources are
considered "new" to version control, and that they have to be added again to
the repository.

The various options above (1-5) only show up on the context menu within the
CVS synchronize view if they're applicable.  If, for instance, Add to
Version Control shows up, then you know for a fact that there are resources
in your workspace that don't exist in CVS.  So add them.

If you fiddle with it for a while, and remind yourself constantly of the
actual meaning of commit and update, you'll find that it becomes second
nature to use CVS, methinks.


>date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 13:20:06 -0600
>from: "Wills, Mike N. (TC)" <MNWills@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>subject: RE: [WDSCI-L] CVS for Teams

>Well, I got it to go to the root for me. I am just experimenting with it
>now. Is there a good "basic" resource on there on explaining the basics of
>this through WDSc?

>Like how do I set the version?
>What exactly does commit do?
>On the set version, I can't type in 1.0 what is this used for?


>Mike Wills

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