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The techie gave me some more information on this but I had not gotten
around to posting yet.  I'm sorry for the delay Howard.  I cannot find out
the version of the Palm Desktop right now.  I don't think we should be
focusing on the PalmPilot but only WDSC and Lotus Notes on Windows XP.  I
say that because the techies searched every way they could think of for
Lotus Notes in the registry but could not find it.  Uninstalling Lotus
Notes and then installing Lotus Notes allowed them to search and find Lotus
Notes in the registry.  I think this is an issue that could affect anything
that relies on finding Lotus Notes in the registry.  I thought the techie
said they found research that would show that WDSC would cause a registry
problem with Lotus Notes, but it was just about how WDSC hacks up the
registry.  This led them to their hypothesis.  They said that someone
higher up asked them later if they had checked for Lotus Notes in the
registry before installing WDSC and they said no.  The person said that it
could be a fluke that has been known to happen sometimes.

My thought on this is, someone should try installing Lotus Notes then WDSC
on a PC with Windows XP.  Try finding Lotus Notes in the registry.
1. If you can find Lotus Notes in the registry, I would be very sure in
saying that this is probably a random fluke.
2. If you cannot find Lotus Notes in the registry, uninstall Lotus Notes
and then install Lotus Notes.  Look for Lotus Notes in the registry and you
should find it.  Not being able to find Lotus Notes probably means WDSC is
causing a registry problem but that is just my opinion.

I am comfortable in assuming that this was a random fluke but this should
probably still be there in our minds in case this happens to someone else.
Since you don't think WDSC changes the registry of Lotus Notes, I am
assuming WDSC is okay and it was just a random fluke.  If you want to test
this, that is okay but no big deal if you don't have time.

Craig Strong

** Craig wrote:
Thanks for your response.  Here are the answers to your questions the
techie gave me:
1. Corporate WinXP.
2. Yes Win XP SP1 is loaded.
3. Notes is 5.0.11
4. Pylon 402
5.  Not sure on that.

Craig Strong

**Howard wrote:
I don't think WDSC 4.0 changed registry of Lotus Notes.  I need some
information to investigate this problem.

Please provide us the following information on the machine the customer has

1. WinXP  (Pro or Home edition)
2. Does customer's machine have WinXP SP1?
3. What is the version of Lotus Notes?
4. What is the version of PalmPilot?
5. What is the version of installShield used to package PalmPilot (if you

Howard Lau
WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries Install Team
IBM Toronto Lab
Phone: 905-413-2828, Tie Line: 969-2828
E-mail: howardl@ca.ibm.com
Notes ID: Howard Lau/Toronto/IBM

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