Hi Doug,
Looks like you figured most of this out, but here are some more details:
You should only be using the interfaces defined in the
com.ibm.etools.iseries.services.qsys.api package like IQSYSObject,
IQSYSMember, IQSYSSourceMember (which extends IQSYSMember). The
QSYSRemote.. vs QSYSHost... classes are an internal implementation of
those interfaces.
There is also an interface called
that all objects returned by the Object subsystem will implement. From
this interface you can call:
((IRemoteObjectContextProvider) object).getRemoteObjectContext().
Once you have the subsystem you can create an IBMiConnection (the follow
on to what use to be ISeriesConnection) using:
I'm not sure what you are trying to figure out in question 1. Can you not
differentiate between the Objects subsystem and IFS subsystem just based
on the underlying objects they return? The IFS subsystem will be returning
instances of:
Don Yantzi
Technical Lead
Rational Developer for System i
IBM Toronto Lab
"Doug Davie" <dougdavie@xxxxxxxxx>
11/19/2008 03:15 PM
Re: [Wdsc-Plugin-Dev] RDi 7.5 changes
I will partially answer my own questions.
1) QSYSRemoteObject
My Plugin.xml does an object contribution with:
So I feel this is the proper type to use.
I found this by examining the properties for the "work with objects..."
of my IBM i connection. I found the that Parent filter pool was
If I wanted my plugin to work with IFS files instead, I would examine the
properties of the "File Systems" node under the IFS Files node. Here I
would find that the object to contribute to would be
Does anyone have alternatives to figuring this out?
2) Use IBMiConnection for PCML connection
I knew that I had selected an object that was already existing within the
opened connection.
I put my plugin into debug, and analyzed the variables. By drilling down
through my object I found my connection. So I was able to do this:
import com.ibm.as400.access.AS400;
import com.ibm.etools.iseries.subsystems.qsys.api.IBMiConnection;
private AS400 as400;
private QSYSRemoteObject object;
as400 =
then I could create :
pcml = new ProgramCallDocument(as400......
So I had to debug to find this. Was there an easier way?
On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 2:20 PM, Doug Davie <dougdavie@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
RDi version 7.5 makes some significant changes in the way things are
implemented versus earlier versions.
I would appreciate some assistance in learning how to figure some stuff
I have a plugin that extends a popup menu using
ISeriesAbstractQSYSPopupMenuExtensionAction. When I right click an
in my iSeries object filter and select my option, a program is called on
i. The program returns some data that I show in a dialog.
The existing plugin uses ISeriesObject. From this ISeriesObject I am
to use getISeriesConnection and create a ProgramCallDocument(AS400 arg0,
String arg1, ClassLoader arg2) to call the program:
<relevent code>
import com.ibm.etools.iseries.core.api.ISeriesObject;
import com.ibm.as400.data.ProgramCallDocument;
private ISeriesObject dataArea;
private ProgramCallDocument pcml;
public MyPgm(ISeriesObject dataarea).... {
this.dataArea = dataArea;
pcml =
*getCurrent*().getActiveShell()), "com.myplugin", *this*
With the changes made for RDi 7.5, the existing code does not work.
I've now extended ISeriesAbstractQsysPopupMenuAction.
Neither IQSYObject nor QSYSRemoteObject provide the getISeriesConnection
method so that I can create (use) the AS400() connection.
1) Is there a different type that I should use?
2) What is the best way to get the selected connection to pass to
I have other plugins that I will be working on.
4) How can I tell if I want to use QSYSRemoteObject, QSYSHostMember,
QSYSHostSourceMember, QSYSRemoteMember, IQSYSObject, etc?
3) How would I know this information? Is there a document that I'm
missing? Am I looking at the wrong websites for info?
Thank you
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