I think I figured it out...
Thank you,
Antonio Mira
Application Developer - Mid-Ohio Division
Time Warner Cable
1015 Olentangy River Road - 2nd Floor
Columbus, OH 43212
phone: 614 827 7949
-----Original Message-----
From: systemidotnet-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:systemidotnet-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mira, Antonio
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 12:55 PM
To: systemidotnet@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [SystemiDotNet] Updating a table on the iSeries...
I have a simple program that loads data from a table from the iSeries
into a datagridview. The program defines the four commands (select,
update, insert, delete). The program loads the data correctly into the
datagrid, I am able to edit it. I also have a button to save any
changes on the datagridview back to the table. However, when I press
the Save button, I'm getting an error saying that the number of
parameters is incorrect. The table has only three columns and that's
the number of parms that I have built into the Update command. The
error message that I'm getting is:
Not enough parameters specified. The command requires 4 parameter(s),
but only 3 parameter(s) exist in the parameter collection.
This is how I built the update command:
Dim cmdUpdate As iDB2Command = mcnn.CreateCommand()
cmdUpdate.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmdUpdate.CommandText = "UPDATE COHAMIRA.COHMCH01PF SET " & _
cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("@MCHGROUP", iDB2DbType.iDB2Char, _
cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("@MCHID", iDB2DbType.iDB2Decimal, _
6, "MCHID")
cmdUpdate.Parameters("@MCHID").Scale = 0
cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("@MCHNAME", iDB2DbType.iDB2Char, _
50, "MCHNAME")
cmdUpdate.Parameters("@MCHID").SourceVersion = _
Any ideas on why I'm getting this error? Any help would be greatly
Thank you,
Antonio Mira
Application Developer - Mid-Ohio Division
Time Warner Cable
1015 Olentangy River Road - 2nd Floor
Columbus, OH 43212
phone: 614 827 7949
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