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It is incorrect that this

select char(count(1))
into :existsFlag
from <your table>
where <your conditions>
limit 1;

will return only 0 or 1. It will return a number equal to the number of rows in the table that match the selection criteria. SELECT COUNT() *always* returns only one row, so LIMIT 1 has no effect on this.

I usually do this:

   dcl-s exists char(1) inz('N');


   exists = 'N';  // if the test has been run already

   exec sql
   select 'Y'
     into :exists
     from <my table>
    where <my conditions>
    limit 1;

   If exists = 'Y';
      <do some stuff>

If it's a large table, you'll definitely want an index over the table with keys matching the columns tested in <your conditions>.

On 8/27/2024 11:31 AM, Daniel Gross wrote:
Hi Brian,

your missing the from clause:

select '1'
into :existsFlag
from sysdummy1
where exists (select ...);

But I think you can get it even faster and easier:

select char(count(1))
into :existsFlag
from <your table>
where <your conditions>
limit 1;

This way you don't have to observe sqlcode=100 - because count() never emits 100. As the select is limited to 1 row, you can only get values 1 and 0 - and those are converted to char - and then to IND.

This is the tactic I use very often in my programs.


Am 27.08.2024 um 19:18 schrieb Brian Garland via RPG400-L <rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

If memory serves me correctly EXISTS is more efficient than COUNT.

DCL-S ExistsFlag IND;
ExistsFlag = '0'


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