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I recommend to work whenever possible with templates.

Example with your data:
dcl-ds xmldata;
file_in like t_file-in dim(100);
cnt_file-in int(5);

dcl-ds t_file_in template;
dcl-ds header;
dcl-subf file_number int(5);
service like tsf_service;

dcl-ds tsf_ service template;
dcl-subf label varchar(20);
dcl-ds data;
dcl-ds contract dim(10);
dcl-subf num_contract int(5);
cnt_contract int(5);

xml-into xmldata %xml(%trim(InpFile):options);

dcl-c options 'doc=file +
ccsid=best +
ns=remove +
case=any +
allowmissing=yes +
allowextra=yes +
datasubf=data +
countprefix=cnt_ +

With the cnt_ fields you'll informed how much entries are in.

Not tested, only a proposal. I use this method in huge XML structures like
the UBL invoices or orders.

Just my 2 cts.

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: RPG400-L [mailto:rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von
Gesendet: Freitag, 2. August 2024 20:08
An: rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: xml-into


Not having much fun using XML-INTO and nested DS arrays :-(

I need an array at the end something like this
fileIn(1).header.file_number = 31
fileIn (1).contract(1).num_contract = 741
fileIn (1).contract(2).num_contract = 750
fileIn (2). header.file_number = 42
fileIn (2).contract(1).num_contract = 850
fileIn (2).contract(2).num_contract = 950

I've tried pulling the whole of my xml file into 1 DS (this came out
empty, I'm not sure if XML-INTO knows how to do this).
I can get the "header" elements into one DS array and the "contract"
elements into another :

Header(1). file_number = 31
Header(2). file_number = 42

contract(1).num_contract = 741
contract(2).num_contract = 750
contract(3).num_contract = 850
contract(4).num_contract = 950

Obviously that's not good as I've lost the relation

Thanks for any help.

My Xml


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