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Hi Greg,

Am 24.07.2024 um 15:14 schrieb Greg Wilburn <gwilburn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

I know I can find a list of programs that use a specific service program (using BOUND_SRVPGM_INFO).

Is there a similar method I could use to find the same information about a specific procedure/function in that service program?

Sadly - AFAIK - there is none. If searched the Info Center North, South, East and West - but I found nothing that would be easy to use.

What you can find is, which service programs are referenced by a program - but not, which procedures.

This might have to do with the fact that the bound procedure calls aren't calls "by name". Instead the relativ position of the procedure in each service program is bound by its "index".

Our change management tool (CMOne) does provide a symbol reference including procedures - but it does simply analyze the compiler listing when staging or deploying an program.

So right now - there is no easy solution aside from using a CMS or analytic tools like Xplain.

Kind regards,

P.S.: If you find something useful, that I haven't found - please let me know.

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