XMLGROUP is only for converting a table (or SELECT statement) into XML.
For everything else we have publishing functions (such as XMLELEMENT,
XMLATTRIBUTES, XMLNAMESPACES) and even a lot of functions which make live
The problem is to convert the relational database into a hierarchical form.
... and nesting multiple SELECTs make the SQL Statement unmaintainable.
But there are better ways. Instead of nested sub-selects you use common
table expressions (CTE) which can be considered as kind of temporary view or
table that are only valid for the current SELECT Statement. A CTE can be
used in the next CTE and also in the final SELECT statement. And each CTE
can be executed on its own.
In the first few CTEs you generate the raw data you want to share and then
you start generating the XML Statement from the lowest level. ... embed the
generated XML then in the next level and so on until you have the complete
XML in the final select statement:
With CTE1 as (Select ....),
CTE2 as (Select ....),
CTEn as (Select ...)
Select *
From ...
Here a little more complex example:
With -- 0. Select all Orders delivered in December 2009
DelOrders as (Select CustNo, h.*, a.*
From OrderHdrx h join AddressX a using (CustNo)
Where DelDate between '2009-12-01' and '2009-12-31'),
-- 1. Address information:
-- <Customer
-- </Customer>
Address as (Select OrderNo, CustNo, XMLElement(Name "Customer",
XMLAttributes(Trim(CustNo) as "CustNo"),
XMLConcat(XMLElement(Name "Name",
Trim(Trim(CustName1) concat ' ' concat Trim(CustName2))),
XMLForest(Trim(Street) as
Trim(ZipCode) as
Trim(City) as
"City"))) CustXML
From DelOrders),
-- 2. Order Header Information:
-- <Mandant></Mandant><OrderNo></OrderNo>
Header as (Select Company, OrderNo, CustNo,
XMLForest(Company as "Mandant",
OrderNo as "OrderNo") OrderNoXML,
XMLConcat(XMLElement(Name "DeliveryDate", Char(DelDate,
XMLElement(Name "OrderType",
Case When OrderType = 'DO'
Then 'Domestic'
When OrderType = 'EX'
Then 'Export'
When OrderType = 'UO'
Then 'Express'
else '???' End),
XMLElement(Name "DeliveryTerms",
Case When DelTerms = 'CPT'
Then 'Delivered Free'
When DelTerms = 'EXW'
Then 'Ex Works'
Else '???' End))
From DelOrders),
-- 3. Joining Order Header and Address Information (CTE No. 1 and 2)
HdrAddr as (Select Company, OrderNo, XMLConcat(OrderNoXML, CustXML,
HdrAddXML) OrderXML
from Header Left Join Address Using(OrderNo)),
-- 4. Item Information
-- <Item ItemNo=""><ItemDescription><ItemDescription><PricePerUnit
-- </Item>
Item as (Select i.*,
XMLElement(Name "Item" ,
XMLAttributes(Trim(ItemNo) as "ItemNo"),
XMLConcat(XMLElement(Name "ItemDescription",
XMLElement(Name "PricePerUnit",
XMLAttributes('EUR' as
Price))) ItemXML
from ItemMastX i),
-- 5. Order Detail Information
-- <Position PosNo=""><Item Information from CTE No. 4=Item>
-- </Position>
Position as (Select Company, OrderNo,
XMLElement(Name "Position",
XMLAttributes(OrderPos as "PosNo"),
XMLElement(Name "DeliveryQuantity",
XMLElement(Name "DeliveryValue",
XMLAttributes('EUR' as
DelQty * Price)))
From OrderDetX join Item using (Company, ItemNo)
Where DelQty > 0),
-- 6. Concatenating Order Details per Order
-- <Positions><Order Position Information - CTE No. 5>
-- </Positions>
AllPos as (Select Company, OrderNo,
XMLElement(Name "Positions", XMLAGG(PosXML))
from Position
Group By Company, OrderNo),
-- 7. Joining Order Header / Address / Order Position and Item
-- <Order><OrderHeader and Address information - CTE No. 3>
-- <Order Positions and Item information - CTE No. 5>
-- </Order>
Order as (Select XMLElement(Name "Order",
XMLConcat(OrderXML, PosOrderNoXML))
from HdrAddr join AllPos using (Company, OrderNo))
-- Final Select Statement
-- Concatenating Order Informationen No. 7 and generating an XML Document
Select xmldocument(xmlElement(Name "Orders", XMLAGG(OrdersXML)))
From Order;;
It is not more difficult that writing a modular RPG with multiple
sub-procedures (even easier)!!!
SQL ist not more complicated than RPG.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
Birgitta Hauser
Modernization ? Education ? Consulting on IBM i
Database and Software Architect
IBM Champion since 2020
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-----Original Message-----
From: RPG400-L <rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Dave
Sent: Tuesday, 4 June 2024 16:52
To: rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Writing XML
Got given a bunch of PFs and told to generate an XML document from them.
Discovered the DB2 function XMLGROUP but it doesn't look easy to use for a
complicated document. Don't we have a "standard way" of doing this yet?
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