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Hi All,

I am trying to calculate HMAC for text data using (QC3CALHM,
Qc3CalculateHMAC) API without a key using the SHA1 algorithm.

When I Pass the blank Key I get the error as "CPF9DF5 The key context is
not found or was previously destroyed."

When I pass Null Key I get the error as "CPF9DF4 The key context token does
not reference a valid key context."

Is it possible to calculate HMAC without a key or is the key mandatory for
calculating HMAC?

Any help will be very much appreciated.

Code I used for the reference


//‚API Error Datastructure
dcl-ds ApiError qualified inz;
BytesProvided int(10:0) inz(%size(ApiError));
BytesAvailable int(10:0);
MessageId char(7);
Reserved char(1);
MessageData char(3000);

dcl-pr Pr_CalculateHMAC extpgm('QC3CALHM');
InputData char(500) options(*varsize);
InputLength int(10) const;
Format char(8) const;
AlgDsc char(20) options(*varsize);
AlgFmt char(8) const;
KeyDsc char(20) options(*varsize);
KeyFmt char(8) const;
Crypt char(1) const;
Cryptdev char(10) const;
HMAC char(64) options(*varsize);
CalHashErrC likeds(ApiError) options(*nopass: *varsize);

//‚Prototype for EBCDIC to ASCII
dcl-pr QDCXLATE extpgm('QDCXLATE');
len packed(5:0) const;
data char(32702) options(*varsize);
table char(10) const;

data = 'abcd';
//‚Convert the EBCDIC to ASCII
len = %len(%trimr(data));
QDCXLATE(len: data: 'QTCPASC');
QC3HA = 2;
KeyDsc = *allx'00';

//‚Generate HMAC
'ALGD0500':KeyDsc:'KEYD0100':'0':' ':hmac:


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