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Interesting Brian,

Perhaps Barbara will pop-in and explain (or tell us it is a bug) - but the "cure" is to remove your proto for the Msg() routine. I never code those anyway since they became optional so it is not a situation I would normally encounter.

Remove the Pr and the bind error disappears and all works as expected.

Jon P.

On May 15, 2024, at 4:23 AM, Brian Parkins <goodprophet.bp@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

OK, here is something I have never quite understood. Can anyone explain why subprocedures within a Linear Main *MODULE have to be EXPORTed - even when only referenced within the same *MODULE?

Example: A single source member follows, (please be gentle with my coding.) CRTBNDRPG used with this particular example.
// Linear Main *MODULE with subprocedure
// Subprocedure MSG requires EXPORT keyword - why???
Ctl-Opt DftActGrp(*No) Main(MainProc);
Dcl-PR MainProc ExtPgm('PGM2_PROC1');
Dcl-Proc MainProc;
Dcl-PI MainProc;
Dcl-PR Msg;
Dcl-S UserId Char(10) Inz(*USER);
Dsply 'In MainProc' UserId;

Dcl-Proc Msg Export;
Dcl-PI Msg;
Dcl-S UserId Char(10) Inz(*USER);
Dsply 'In Msg Proc' UserId;

If I rewrite the above as a Cycle Main *MODULE, the EXPORT keyword is not required on the subprocedure. The RPG Reference states:
"If the EXPORT keyword is not specified, the procedure can only be called from within the module."
So why is EXPORT needed in the above example? (If it is removed, a bind error occurs.)

Thx for any insight.
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