× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Hi Sam, I extended the Ds adding a 70 char field so the Ds size is now

It's working until the number of rows returned is lower than array's
elements, otherwise you get a RNQ0124.

Once again I'm at V7R5 with recent PTF

Marco Facchinetti

Mr S.r.l.

Tel. 035 962885
Cel. 393 9620498

Skype: facchinettimarco

Il giorno ven 16 feb 2024 alle ore 18:00 Sam_L <lennon_s_j@xxxxxxxxxxx> ha

Replying to my own post...
I have resolved, I think, my issue. It depends on how much data you are
requesting in the fetch. In my initial testing I was loading 4 fields,
total 36 bytes and this loaded only 32767rows.
If I load only an int(10) field, 4 bytes, then all my 42654 elements load.

I tweaked Marco's program to use my 4 field data and it also loads only
32767 rows.
Significant changes were:
Limits(1) = 10000;
Limits(2) = 20000;
Limits(3) = 41000;
Where rrn(a) <= :wD;

1) If you fetch multiple rows into an array, each fetch loads starting
at element 1.
2) Depending on the amount of data you are loading, you may not get all
the rows you asked for. SQL does not show end of file, but if you do
another fetch for the rest of the data, 1) applies.

Granted, it is most likely an extreme edge case to load this many
records. I was creating a program to create large amounts of test data
for a performance test, and wanted realistic city/state/zip data. It was
a chance to experiment with random numbers and variable length arrays
and I wanted to see the impact of re-allocating memory as the array
increased vs trying to allocate enough memory once. My take is that
unless you are loading the array many times it makes little observable

On 2/15/2024 4:13 PM, Sam_L wrote:
What am I doing wrong in the code below? Each subsequent fetch from the
cursor seems to load into element 1 of the array.

(There are 42,654 rows to be loaded. Granted, this is an unusually large
number to load, but I'm accessing it by index to build random test data
and loading rows one at a time works great, so I'm not stuck. But I am
curious about this and why I can't get this to work.)

Incidentally, snd-msg is a great replacement for dsply in these
situations--thanks Marco.

After a run of the code below, these are the results:

Allocated default: 100
Allocated after *alloc: 42755
"fetch for 'n' rows" : 42654
Elements before fetch: 0
After First Fetch. Elements: 42654. SQLSTATE: 00000. Allocated: 42755
After Loop Fetch. Elements: 0. SQLSTATE: 02000. Allocated: 42755
Final Elements: 0. Allocated: 42755

If I set rows to fetch to 25,000 these are the results:

Allocated default: 100
Allocated after *alloc: 42755
"fetch for 'n' rows" : 25000
Elements before fetch: 0
After First Fetch. Elements: 25000. SQLSTATE: 00000. Allocated: 42755
After Loop Fetch. Elements: 17654. SQLSTATE: 00000. Allocated: 42755
After Loop Fetch. Elements: 0. SQLSTATE: 02000. Allocated: 42755
Final Elements: 0. Allocated: 42755

This is the demo code:
ctl-opt Option(*nounref: *nodebugio: *srcstmt);
dcl-c SQLSUCCESS '00000';
dcl-c SQLNOMOREDATA '02000';
dcl-ds csz_a dim(*auto : 50000) qualified;
zip int(10);
dcl-s cszCount int(10);
exec sql set option closqlcsr=*endmod;
exec sql declare csz_cur cursor for
select zip
from lennons1.csz where length(trim(city)) <= 20;

// Allocate enough memory/elements
exec sql select count(*) into :cszCount
from lennons1.csz where length(trim(city)) <= 20;
snd-msg ('Allocated default: ' + %char(%elem(csz_a : *alloc)));
%elem(csz_a : *alloc) = cszCount + 1;
snd-msg ('Allocated after *alloc: ' + %char(%elem(csz_a : *alloc)));
// cszCount = 25000; // pick a number, e.g. 25,000
snd-msg ('"fetch for ''n'' rows" : ' + %char(cszCount));
snd-msg ('Elements before fetch: ' + %char(%elem(csz_a)));
exec sql open csz_cur;
exec sql fetch from csz_cur for :cszCount rows into :csz_a;
snd-msg ('After First Fetch. Elements: ' + %char(%elem(csz_a))
+ '. SQLSTATE: ' +SQLSTATE+ '. Allocated: '
+%char(%elem(csz_a : *alloc)));
dow sqlstate <> SQLNOMOREDATA;
exec sql fetch next from csz_cur for :cszCount rows into :csz_a;
Snd-msg ('After Loop Fetch. Elements: ' + %char(%elem(csz_a))
+ '. Allocated: ' + %char(%elem(csz_a : *alloc)));
snd-msg ('Final Elements: ' + %char(%elem(csz_a)) + '. Allocated: '
+%char(%elem(csz_a : *alloc)));

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