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Perhaps it was something you found/downloaded from the internet?

Obviously, many different people have written programs to convert between metric & imperial systems over the years, it's a common need. I've not heard of anything built-in, and the fact that you remember the language the program was written in suggests that you were working with the source code.  (Otherwise why would the language matter?)

On 11/29/23 7:56 AM, Jerry Adams wrote:
Maybe I am just misremembering, but I thought that I had once found and used
a C program from within RPG IV to convert between imperial and metric units.
What I recall is something like the CONVERT function in Excel. But I cannot
find anything in the API list or by asking Google.

Could be that, as I said, I imprinted a memory that did not exist. Or I may
just be overwhelmed with data and cannot see the tree for the forest.

Can anyone put me out of my misery?

Jerry C. Adams

Bessie Braddock: Winston, you're drunk.

Churchill: Madam, you're ugly. But tomorrow I shall be sober.

IBM i Programmer/Analyst




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