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Am 22.09.2023 um 20:13 schrieb Justin Taylor <jtaylor.0ab@xxxxxxxxx>:

I assume that those lines are excerpts of your program - so it is important where they are located. Especially in large sources, it's easy to mix up definitions of one procedure and code in another.

Dcl-s TypeSQL varChar(7) ;

Does this appear in the same member and procedure? So no /COPY? Or maybe out of focus (means defined in another procedure? Or did you shorten the definition and in the code there are some keywords (like INZ, OPTIONS, ...)?

select TYPE, DESC
where TYPE like :TypeSQL
for read only;

This seems complicated valid - even if TYPE would be a numeric column, SQL would try an implicit type cast.

So my only hint would be to look where the dcl-s appears - or if there are some keywords or a focus problem.

The SQL-PC normally don't throw a SQL0312 without a reason. But it may not be obvious, because the pre-compiler lags some features, that the RPG compiler already has (e.g. it knows LIKEREC but not LIKEREC(...:*ALL)).

I hope this helps a little.


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