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Hmmm.. there are a number of options, depending on the specific details, different ones might be useful.

There's RPG's   ON-EXIT... this always runs before the program exits, even if the program ends in error...  so you could reset the connection there.  That'd be simple.

There is CEE4RAGE -- a system API that you can use to register a subprocedure that is called when the activation group ends.  This can serve a similar purpose, and allow you to keep the connection open while the activation group is active.

There are CEERTX/CEEUTX APIs that can register/unregister a routine to call when a given call-stack entry ends abnormally.

There is MONITOR/ON-ERROR/ON-EXCP/ENDMON -- for a situation like yours, you could put all of your connection code into a subprocedure and call it within the MONITOR block, and if the procedure receives an error that it doesn't handle itself, it'll run your ON-ERROR block.

There's *PSSR/INFSR as well, I'm not a big fan, I've found these awkward and error-prone... but they still exist.

Is this helpful?

On 7/26/23 2:17 PM, smith5646midrange@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
Was there something in RPGLE that replaced the *PSSR or am I thinking of
something in a different language?

I have a program that changes the SQL connection to connect to other systems
and retrieves information from them. When it is done, it resets the
connection. If an error occurs somewhere during the processing, I need to
be sure it resets the connection. I'd like to do this globally instead of
using MONITOR/ON-ERROR to make sure I don't miss a spot.

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