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I don't know of anything in basic RDi that will do this. If you have the source open, there is an outline for ILE source, I work only with CLLE and [SQL]RPGLE. I have believed that the outline comes from something like a compilation listing - there might be more, but it seems to match nicely the things that mark variables usage in the listing, etc.

The cross-reference tools you can buy - you list a couple, there are also Abstract and Midrange Dynamics (I think) - use a combination of all these things, because you just can't get it all with DSPPGMREF and listings and all - there are issues about library list when gathering all this, there are some tools that can trace how variables are changed, IIRC.

There is also the question of embedded SQL - I see that DSPPGMREF at 7.5 does list the tables in SQL statements - one has the table names listed with the cursor name as the internal RPG name for all 3. I don't know when this was added - I don't remember seeing it in 7.3.

You might think to use PRTSQLINF against a program or service program or package, but this doesn't analyze objects used. There is an SQL service that does this for a statement - PARSE_STATEMENT - came out in 7.3 - very cool.


On 7/22/2023 9:36 AM, Brian Parkins wrote:

Compilation/Xref listing?

DSPPGMREF > DSPFFD ? (And API equivalents; there may be SQL Services but I haven't looked)

Craig Rutledge's (open source) tools (JCRCMDS)

Proprietary tools such as Pathfinder or X-Analysis?


On 22/07/2023 06:40, gio.cot via RPG400-L wrote:
Hi all

I would know if is there any way/utility to List files and field used in a
program (for field only used !!)

Thanks in advance

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