Thank you. With IBM's help I took a TCP trace of the connection. The IBM Support person read the trace and gave this response:
It shows the connection made and secured, then application data sent, a response, then application data sent, acked, but no response, and the RST arrives after 30 seconds. It appears to be an issue on the remote side.
Again, what's weird is when I send the same thing via Postman, I get a response in less than 3 seconds. So it must be something I'm sending that it doesn’t' like. I've confirmed the Header information I add in HTTPAPI matches the corresponding header in Postman.
I'm still waiting to hear back from the web service developers.
Here is a snippet of the debug.txt after the SSL Certificate:
Serial Number: 04:50:9D:7A:C2:6C:2D:71:40:DF:C3:25:37:40:74:36
Common Name:
Issuer CN: Amazon
Issuer Country: US
Issuer Org: Amazon
Issuer Org Unit: Server CA 1B
Version: 3
not before: 20200702200000
Unknown Field: 20:00:00 02-07-2020
not after: 20210803080000
Unknown Field: 08:00:00 03-08-2021
pub key alg: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1
signature algorithm: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11
Unknown Field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
Unknown Field: 2048
Unknown Field: 3A3691D5DAEFF093C745A8EFDED055E6
Unknown Field: 1.2.840.113549.2.5
Unknown Field: C433C4B7919FDAA3739963339904523C36710A81
Unknown Field: 1DCF1D749E9E773411FF4C848BA94880ACBB695001AD98246FA2967E88BA84B7
Unknown Field: 5
Unknown Field:
Unknown Field: 0
Unknown Field:
Unknown Field:
Unknown Field:
Unknown Field: 2.16.840.1.114412.1.2
Unknown Field:
SetError() #49: SSL_protocol: Unknown protocol 5000
Protocol Used:
http_persist_req(GET) entered.
http_long_ParseURL(): entered
http_long_ParseURL(): entered
do_oper(GET): entered
There are 0 cookies in the cache
GET /v1/orders HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: http-api/1.43
Authorization: NSDB2I <removed>
secretToken: LNh+IBj72 <removed>
vendorID: 5f8a007f71696800d98427b1
agencyID: 5f077af27d6be71f487bdd34
recvresp(): entered
(GSKit) I/O: A connection with a remote socket was reset by that socket.
ssl_error(406): (GSKit) I/O: A connection with a remote socket was reset by that socket.
SetError() #44: CommSSL_read: read:(GSKit) I/O: A connection with a remote socket was reset by
recvresp(): end with err
http_close(): entered
-----Original Message-----
From: RPG400-L [mailto:rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Scott Klement
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 5:36 PM
To: rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: ssl_error(406)
If the API developer can help you, that's great.
In my experience, though, they're not usually that helpful. They won't
take things to the level of understanding the specific underlying HTTP
code -- instead, they just tell you to use a tool that they already know
works. I usually have better luck figuring things out myself.
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