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I just wrote a generic error handler that does all of that. You can log any
kind of string and it sends messages and builds a data base. I would need
to put it out for open source if you are interested.

On Thu, Jan 7, 2021 at 5:26 AM Kris Chantry <kris.chantry@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:


I wonder if there is an easy way to know what the ERROR was, which caused a
program to END ABNORMALLY?

I want to create a generic ERROR HANDLING procedure by which I can inform
everybody in the IT deparment about a problem that occurred 1 or multiple

I would like to use the ON-EXIT function to accomplish this.

So when the ON-EXIT tells me that there was an error, I want to store the
Error Message Data in a DB File and send (periodicly) emails to the IT
Department about the errors that occurred and according the severity of the

Can somebody tell me how I can retrieve the error message in the ON-EXIT?

Please find a simple example program about how I would like to structure

Kind regards,




// PROGRAM : Automatic Error Handling TEST






// 09/12/20 Creation of the program

// ../../.. .......................
.......... ../.....


//---- H-Specs ----

ctl-opt main(main_Procedure);

ctl-opt option(*srcstmt: *nodebugio: *nounref);

ctl-opt datedit(*DMY/);

ctl-opt decedit('0,');

ctl-opt alwnull(*usrctl);

ctl-opt datfmt(*ISO);

ctl-opt timfmt(*ISO);

//--- D(descriptive)-Specs ---


dcl-s v_lib char(10) inz('');

dcl-s MyFile char(10) inz('CUSTOMER');

dcl-ds MyFileQual Qualified;

File char(10);

Lib char(10);


dcl-s i_errorOccured ind inz(*off);

//--- ERROR HANDLING datastructure ---

dcl-ds errorHandlingDS;

e_environment char(10); //In which environment did the error

e_program char(30); //In which program did the error

e_library char(10); //In which library did the error

e_module char(10); //In which module did the error

e_procedure char(128); //In which procedure did the error

e_statement packed(7:0); //At which statement dit the error

e_callerPgm char(10); //What was the caller program

e_callerUser char(10); //Who activated the program

e_errorID char(20); //What was the error ID (MCH....)

e_errorSeverity packed(2:0); //What was the error Severity

e_errorType char(20); //What was the error Type

e_errorTitle char(128); //What was the error Title

e_errorMessage char(25000); //What was the error Message

e_errorCause char(25000); //What was the error Cause


//--- Program datastructure ---


@pgmname char(10) pos(1);

@status *STATUS;

@routine *ROUTINE;

@exceptType char(4) pos(40);

@exceptNr char(3) pos(43);

@pgmLibrary char(10) pos(81);

@exceptData char(80) pos(91);

@job char(10) pos(244);

@user char(10) pos(254);

@jobnr zoned(6 : 0) pos(264);

@srcFile char(10) pos(304);

@srcLibrary char(10) pos(314);

@srcMember char(10) pos(324);

@srcProgram char(10) pos(334);

@srcModule char(10) pos(344);

@jobId char(16) pos(380);

@systemName char(8) pos(396);



// B E G I N N I N G O F T H E P R O G R A M


dcl-proc main_Procedure;

dcl-s v_value1 packed(5:0) inz(0);

dcl-s v_value2 packed(5:0) inz(0);

dcl-s v_value3 packed(5:0) inz(0);

clear errorHandlingDS;

e_program = @pgmname;

e_procedure = %proc();

//--- No problem / returnValue = 20 ---

v_value1 = 10;

v_value2 = 10;

v_value3 = makeCalculation(v_value1:v_value2:'+');

//--- MCH1210 (severity 40)

//--- Receiver value too small to hold result ---

v_value1 = 100;

v_value2 = 99999;

//v_value3 = makeCalculation(v_value1:v_value2:'+');

//--- No problem / returnValue = 90 ---

v_value1 = 100;

v_value2 = 10;

v_value3 = makeCalculation(v_value1:v_value2:'-');

//--- No problem / returnValue = -90 ---

v_value1 = 10;

v_value2 = 100;

v_value3 = makeCalculation(v_value1:v_value2:'-');

//--- MCH1210 (severity 40)

//--- Receiver value too small to hold result ---

//v_value3 = (10 - 9999999999);

//--- No problem / returnValue = 100 ---

v_value1 = 10;

v_value2 = 10;

v_value3 = makeCalculation(v_value1:v_value2:'*');

//--- MCH1210 (severity 40)

//--- Receiver value too small to hold result ---

v_value1 = 100;

v_value2 = 99999;

//v_value3 = makeCalculation(v_value1:v_value2:'*');

//--- No problem / returnValue = 10 ---

v_value1 = 100;

v_value2 = 10;

v_value3 = makeCalculation(v_value1:v_value2:'/');

//--- No problem / returnValue = 0 (no comma)---

v_value1 = 10;

v_value2 = 100;

v_value3 = makeCalculation(v_value1:v_value2:'/');

//--- MCH1211 (severity 40)

//--- Attempt made to divide by zero for fixed point operation. ---

v_value1 = 100;

v_value2 = 0;

v_value3 = makeCalculation(v_value1:v_value2:'/');

on-exit i_errorOccured;

if i_errorOccured;

// here I want to know:

// -------------------

// WHICH problem occured (Divide by zero, too small, ...)

// WHICH Error type (escape, ...)

// WHICH severity

// In which procedure it happened

// At which statement

// ...



*inlr = *on;




// Make a calculation


dcl-proc makeCalculation;

dcl-pi makeCalculation packed(5:0);

p_value1 packed(5:0) const;

p_value2 packed(5:0) const;

p_type varchar(1) const;


dcl-s v_returnValue packed(5:0) inz(0);

e_procedure = %proc();

clear v_returnValue;


when (p_type = '+');

v_returnValue = p_value1 + p_value2;

when (p_type = '-');

v_returnValue = p_value1 - p_value2;

when (p_type = '*');

v_returnValue = p_value1 * p_value2;

when (p_type = '/');

v_returnValue = p_value1 / p_value2;


return v_returnValue;



// Report the problem to the Developers


dcl-proc reportProblem;

dcl-pi reportProblem;

p_procedure char(128);


e_program = @pgmname;

e_procedure = %trim(p_procedure);

e_errorTitle = 'SomeThing happened!!';

//Send an email or submit the error data to a file...



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