× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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I have this particular query. I am filling a subfile with records from my
customer's master. The desired access path is customer number, which is
already ordered, but these numbers are not necessarily adjacent, as there
is a verifying digit as the last one.

I was trying to read by blocks the same size as my subfile's page size,
trying also to make sure in every read of blocks I'll have to turn
indicator SLFEND or not.

I used a very simple scroll cursor with something similar to this:

:myHostCustomerNumberVariable FETCH FIRST 13 ROWS ONLY;

As the subfile page size is the same as the subfile size (SFLPAG = SFLSIZ),
what I actually do is OPEN and CLOSE the cursor and change accordingly, the
value for myHostCustomerNumberVariable.

It's very curious that when reading the last page, which is less than my
page size, when I open my cursor and the do:


cursor_rows is loaded with 13!!! and NOT with the remaining *5* rows in
the table.

Am I missing something, or is there a BUG here?

I understand that this GET DIAGNOSTICS tool is precisely to look ahead the
counted rows that match the criteria of the SELECT within the cursor.

Is it right that you may not always have the exact row number?

Thanks in advance.


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