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1. I cannot use commitment control with all of the files in the program -
some are legacy ERP database files, none are journaled.
commit is only used in modules, created with COMMIT(*CHG), all other could
stay untouched.
Journaling tables doesn't change anything in existing programms. My
recommendation is to journal all tables (if you have sufficient DASD) it
will help in all cases analyzing error situations in unknown programms.
2. The specific files in question are used by other programs - so unsure
what effect changing these files will have (maybe none?)
othe programms won't see this and work as before.
3. I'm using other service programs that may not use *CALLER
As long as such SRVPGMs are not envolved in the transaction, this could be
as it is.

So if I was writing something from scratch - not reusing existing (working)
code and database files, this might be easy. But it adds a level complexity
and development time, which is why I've hesitated in the past. I feel like
I'm stuck in-between legacy and modern coding.

In your case (inserting order positions), I would recommend to move this to
a new SRVPGM, do the commit there and call it from your existing application
and it's done.


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