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IBM has been in, in marketing parlance, the normal end-of-life "harvesting phase" of the mid-range product line for 20+ years. They have refused to accept that they have a product with a 100-year life cycle, not a 20-year life cycle.  It's sad. But... I am biased.  I still miss OS/2.

On 10/19/2019 11:44 AM, Jon Paris wrote:
I was talking to several IBMers about this over the last few days. They are pretty disgusted and working to get things changed - but I'm not holding my breath.

It is not just the cafes that are going away - it basically all of Developerworks. Basically the only place in IBM (beyond the raw manuals) that has any useful information. All of Scott Forstie's SQL stuff will vanish as will all articles contributed by folks such as Birgitta.

Good idea to grab a tool such as Evernote and capture all the useful pages there that you reference 'cos they may not be there much longer. As far as I can tell there are no real alternatives in place to replace it all.

It is classic idiotic IBM - instituted by a management that is basically clueless about computers and what you need to know to run them. Imagine the stink if MS pulled stunt like this!

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