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On 2019-10-07 1:15 AM, Javier Sánchez wrote:
In general, when declaring variables in RPG nevertheless kind of, try to
always give it a size compatible with a binary equivalent to at least a
16-byte-multiple size.

For example, if you want to declare a variable as CHAR(10), consider giving
it a size of either CHAR(8) or CHAR(16). Let me tell you, the RPG compiler
won't let you know it, but it would very much like to do it, that you did a
smart decision if you did so.

Give stand-alone variables sizes that are multiple of 4-, 8-, 16-, or
32-bit sizes. In terms of performance, you will get a reward.

I don't agree with this advice.

Remember what Donald Knuth said: "Premature optimization is the root of all evil".

Defining all your variables so their size is a multiple of 4 would make it very difficult to actually write your code correctly. If you want a character field with a length of 10, I think you should define it with a length of 10. Let the optimizer handle the optimization.

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