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Unfortunately, you're trying to give us an example with all the names changed (to protect the innocent), so there are typo issues that make it difficult.  But if the date field is the first in the ORDER BY clause, then one of two things must have happened:

1. You are not putting that ORDER BY date in the subfile (you're putting some other value)
2. You are loading the subfile more than once (perhaps not clearing it)

ORDER BY is absolute.  The records will come to you in that sequence.  Put a breakpoint after the FETCH NEXT and prove to yourself that you are getting the records you think.

On 8/20/2019 9:07 AM, Jim Hawkins wrote:
I have results that look like this:

When they are supposed to sorted by this date.

Luis, yes that was a typo.

I changed from an "inner join" to a simple "join" and that helped some, but I still getting results like above. My dates should be greater than 2019/08/15 however.

Steve, the example I was following (and I hate to introduce anything that may add issues) spelled out the files, maybe next time I will use the shorter qualifiers.

I will search for that join poster (just don't have a wall to post it on ☹ ).

Thanks everyone for the input on joining.


Jim Hawkins
Programmer Analyst
Interkal LLC
Kalamazoo, MI

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