Hi Vern,
I noticed that you have your image parm defined as type *PNAME. Mine was *CHAR so I changed it to your value. Still no joy.
Question -- Should I be able to 'see' the spooled file before it's sent to an AFP print? When I try to display the spooled file using option 5, I get a message telling it cannot be displayed, copied, or sent -- as expected.
I have been using the Help Systems' ESEND tool to email myself a copy of the spooled file with a conversion to PDF.
Bottom line is that the PDF I'm getting is empty.
I don't have a clue as to what I'm doing wrong.
date: Mon, 22 Apr 2019 10:27:12 -0500
from: Vernon Hamberg <vhamberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: RPG400-L Digest, AFPRSC issues
Hi Jeff
All quite strange - someone else asked about using %trim - I don't think you need that, my example below doesn't use it and works.
Here are the source members for my test bed - the command behaves a bit strangely around the MORETEXT parameter, no need for testing to clean it up.? :)
PRTIMAGE command
? CMD??????? PROMPT('Print image using AFPRSC')
?????????????? TYPE(*PNAME) +
?????????????? LEN(128) +
?????????????? MIN(1) +
?????????????? PROMPT('Image file name') ? PARM?????? KWD(IMAGETYPE) + ?????????????? TYPE(*CHAR) + ?????????????? LEN(10) + ?????????????? SPCVAL((*GIF '22') (*JPEG '23') (*PNG '65') (*TIFF '14')) + ?????????????? MIN(1) + ?????????????? PROMPT('Image file type') ? PARM?????? KWD(TOP) + ?????????????? TYPE(*DEC) + ?????????????? LEN(5 3) + ?????????????? MIN(1) + ?????????????? PROMPT('Top') ? PARM?????? KWD(LEFT) + ?????????????? TYPE(*DEC) + ?????????????? LEN(5 3) + ?????????????? MIN(1) + ?????????????? PROMPT('Left') ? PARM?????? KWD(WIDTH) + ?????????????? TYPE(*DEC) + ?????????????? LEN(5 3) + ?????????????? MIN(1) + ?????????????? PROMPT('Width') ? PARM?????? KWD(HEIGHT) + ?????????????? TYPE(*DEC) + ?????????????? LEN(5 3) + ?????????????? MIN(1) + ?????????????? PROMPT('Height') ? PARM?????? KWD(MAPOPT) + ?????????????? TYPE(*CHAR) + ?????????????? LEN(3) + ?????????????? SPCVAL((*Pos *P) (*PosTrm *PT) (*SclFit *ST) (*CtrTrm *CT) + ?????????????? (*SclFil *SL)) + ?????????????? MIN(1) + ?????????????? CASE(*MIXED) + ?????????????? PROMPT('Map option') ? PARM?????? KWD(MORETEXT) + ?????????????? TYPE(*CHAR) + ?????????????? LEN(18) + ?????????????? MIN(1) + ?????????????? PROMPT('Additional text') ? PARM?????? KWD(PATH) + ?????????????? TYPE(*CHAR) + ?????????????? LEN(640) + ?????????????? MIN(1) + ?????????????? PROMPT('Image file path')
RPGLE program-
?????? dcl-f PrtImage printer;
?????? dcl-pr entryPList extpgm('PRTIMAGE'); ???????? imageFile char(128) const; ???????? imageType char(10) const; ???????? top packed(5 : 3) const; ???????? left packed(5 : 3) const; ???????? width packed(5 : 3) const; ???????? height packed(5 : 3) const; ???????? mapOpt char(3) const; ???????? moreText char(18) const; ???????? path char(640) const; ?????? end-pr; ?????? dcl-pi entryPList; ???????? imageFile char(128) const; ???????? imageType char(10) const; ???????? top packed(5 : 3) const; ???????? left packed(5 : 3) const; ???????? width packed(5 : 3) const; ???????? height packed(5 : 3) const; ???????? mapOpt char(3) const; ???????? moreText char(18) const; ???????? path char(640) const; ?????? end-pi;
?????? *inlr = *on;
?????? data = 'This is the Image Print Test program: ' + moreText; ?????? imgDown?? = top; ?????? imgAcross = left; ?????? imgWidth? = width; ?????? imgHeight = height; ?????? imgFile?? = imageFile; ?????? imgPath?? = path; ?????? imgType?? = imageType; ?????? imgMapOpt = mapOpt; ?????? write image; ?????? write text; ?????? return;
???? A????????? R TEXT????????????????????? SPACEA(1) ???? A??????????? DATA????????? 56A??????? 2SPACEA(1) ???? A????????? R IMAGE???????????????????? AFPRSC(&IMGFILE &IMGTYPE + ???? A???????????????????????????????????????????? &IMGDOWN &IMGACROSS + ???? A???????????????????????????????????????????? (*PATH &IMGPATH) + ???? A???????????????????????????????????????????? (*MAPOPT &IMGMAPOPT)?? + ???? A???????????????????????????????????????????? (*SIZE &IMGWIDTH
???? A??????????? IMGWIDTH?????? 5S 3P
???? A??????????? IMGHEIGHT????? 5S 3P
???? A??????????? IMGDOWN??????? 5S 3P
???? A??????????? IMGACROSS????? 5S 3P
???? A??????????? IMGFILE????? 125A? P
???? A??????????? IMGTYPE?????? 10A? P
???? A??????????? IMGMAPOPT????? 3A? P
???? A??????????? IMGPATH????? 640A? P
On 4/22/2019 8:27 AM, Jeff Bianchi wrote:
Hi Vern,
I have verified that QOpenSys is being passed in correctly. I've also tried putting the resource in /home/<myhomedirectory>.
No difference in behavior -- and no error in the joblog. In fact, no messages in the joblog at all. After I run my command, I do the F10 to see detailed messages and I get nothing.
date: Fri, 19 Apr 2019 12:36:24 -0500
from: Vernon Hamberg <vhamberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: AFPDS Printer File Format Keyword: AFPRSC
Hi Jeff
I have a similar example - we use AFPRSC in production - my question - /QOpenSys is case-sensitive - be sure the case of your passed value is correct.
I just jumped into this thread - do you have a joblog message giving you and error code of any kind? A number in the 3000's?
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