Dear All,
I need to decrypt some text related data coming from a supplier, i receive the file in an ftp folder read text and decrypt it.
In order to decrypt the information i use Qc3DecryptData (AES OR RC4 alghoritym), unforntunately i encoured in the following problem
First of all let's me say that i was not able to decrypt the data coming from vendor so i try to understand where the problem was
First of all i have written a program that encrypt and decrypt the phrase "HELLO BY ME" with key "key encryption" and it's work fine.
I compare the result with the one coming from the following url
and the two values doesn't match.
So my first assumption was that there is a difference beetwen ebcdic and ascii transcodification so i try to
- convert string from ebcdic to ascii
- run encryption
but again the two values doesn't match
Anyone can direct me ? any idea ?
Thanks to All
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