Hi All,
I'm trying to call the Submit Debug Command ([1]QteSubmitDebugCommand) API
but not getting back the results I expect or I don't correctly understand
the results. I'm trying to follow the example for a BREAK statement (near
the bottom of the page in the manual). I'm expecting similar results to
what are shown but I'm not getting the same results.
My prototype is:
dcl-pr QteSubmitDebugCommand extproc(*dclcase);
rcvrDta char(128);
rcvrSiz int(10) const;
viewID int(10) const;
InputBuffer char(64) const;
InpBfrSiz int(10) const;
CompilerID char(20) const;
apiError like(apiErrDs);
The definitions of the variables are:
dcl-pi *n ;
pViewID int(10) const;
pDebugCommand varchar(64) const options(*trim); // This is BREAK 10
pCompilerID char(20) const; //
which is valid in the test harness program
dcl-s receiverVariable char(128);
dcl-s i uns(5);
dcl-ds apiErrDs likeDs(apiErrDsTmp) inz;
dcl-ds resultEntryTmp template qualified;
resultType uns(10);
count uns(10);
length uns(10);
dcl-s receiverPtr pointer;
dcl-ds receiverData qualified based(receiverPtr);
bytesReturned int(10);
bytesAvailable int(10);
entries int(10);
resultArray dim(4) likeds(resultEntryTmp);
stringSpace char(256);
And I call the API with:
QteSubmitDebugCommand(receiverVariable :%Len(receiverVariable) :pViewID
:pDebugCommand :%Len(pDebugCommand)
:pCompilerID :apiErrDS);
receiverPtr = %addr(receiverVariable);
At this point I dump the program to check the results.
What I see in the dump is:
BYTESAVAILABLE INT(10) 57 '00000039'X
BYTESRETURNED INT(10) 57 '00000039'X
ENTRIES INT(10) 3 '00000003'X
COUNT UNS(10) 3 '00000003'X
LENGTH UNS(10) 0 '00000000'X
RESULTTYPE UNS(10) 33554432 '02000000'X
COUNT UNS(10) 10 '0000000A'X
LENGTH UNS(10) 0 '00000000'X
RESULTTYPE UNS(10) 83886080 '05000000'X
COUNT UNS(10) 10 '0000000A'X
LENGTH UNS(10) 0 '00000000'X
RESULTTYPE UNS(10) 83886080 '05000000'X
COUNT UNS(10) 1849750016 '6E40F200'X
LENGTH UNS(10) 4210752 '00404040'X
RESULTTYPE UNS(10) 3385124672 'C9C4E740'X
STRINGSPACE is not shown but it does look correct
According to the manual is should be getting back:
Receiver Variable
Offset Field Value
0 Bytes returned 59
Bytes available 59
Entry count 3
12 Result type BreakR(2)
Break results count 3
24 Result type BreakPositionR(5)
Line number 7 (in my case this = 10)
36 Result type ExpressionTextR(7)
Expression text offset 48
Expression text length 10
48 String space result > 5
So it looks like the Header record (Offset 0) is correct.
The resultArray(1) looks correct as the Hex value of the RESULTTYPE is
'02000000'X which I think is the BreakR. But I was expecting the value in
the dump to be 2 not 33554432. Can someone tell me why this is? Am I
doing something wrong or just misunderstanding how it's displayed.
The resultArray(2) looks correct as the Hex value of the RESULTTYPE is
'05000000'X which I think is the BreakPositionR. Same question as to why
I have to look at the Hex value.
The resultArray(3) looks incorrect as the Hex value of the RESULTTYPE is
'05000000'X and the manual shows I should have been expecting a
ExpressionTextR (7).
As for the String space I don't see anything resembling IDX > 2 which the
manual shows I should be expecting.
Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong in my call or in the definition of the
Can someone explain why the resultarray.count looks like a normal int yet
the resultarray.recordtype appears correct only in Hex.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
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