Hi all
In this years, i have used CGIDEV2 (as descripted at
-time> ) for generating Xml with RPG; as i would need to generate XML on
V5R4 or al least at V6R1, i would like to know if with XMLi or PowerEXT i
can solve the problem not to pass/write the empty tags;
Example (using CGIDEV2)
In my template i have:
When my variable ?NumeroCivico? è blank in my Xml i will find:
<Indirizzo>Via del Corso</Indirizzo>
And clearly this is not good ?.as in the <NumeroCivico> there is no value
The simplest way to solve the problem with CGIDEV2 is to change Xml template
like this:
And add in my RPG :
If NumeroCivico <> *Blank;
The same thing could be for CAP or Comune and in this way , it would be a
proliferate of IF cond and "WrtSection". It would be nice and helpful to say
not write empty tags in Xml ..
My questione now is:
with XMLi or PowerEXT , can i solve/avoid this problem with more ease ?
Any suggestions will appreciated
Thanks in advance
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