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Aside from continuous polling, others might suggest the implementation of a
Web sockets service rather than having the client continuously polling the
HTTP server.

On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 7:53 AM, Nathan Andelin <nandelin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

HTTP servers implement a request-response cycle. After the IBM i Job is
submitted, and a response is returned to the HTTP client (the browser), the
only option to get the status of the submitted Job is via polling. You can
implement asynchronous polling. But I gather that you don't want to do
that. And I don't fault you for that.

Have you considered having the submitted Job send a Text or Email message
when it completes?

On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 1:45 AM, Maria Lucia Stoppa <mlstoppa@xxxxxxxxx>

Hi all. I apologize if an answer to my question already exists but as the
search engine is still not working I couldn't find any post on this
subject. Also, I know very little about communications between iSeries and
external HTTP server.

The scenario consists of a web page run by an IIS HTTP server which makes
call to a stored procedure on our iSeries; the stored procedure is an
program which submits a job under QBATCH subsystem: having the job
submitted is an obliged option because it takes a lot for it to complete.

When the submitted job ends how can it inform or wake the web page to have
the web page do something else?

So far, I could only think of having the web page continuously pooling the
iSeries until a certain condition is reached, such as a certain row on a
table written by the submitted job before ending its execution, but I am
pretty sure this is a very usual need and it's my lack of knowledge about
how to approach this issue.

Please, can you suggest me how to address this question or where I can
technical documentation on it?

Thank you very much in advance



Maria Lucia Stoppa
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