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Thanks for the "how-i'd-do-this" Buck, helpful!

I myself find it easiest to look at the Javadoc for POI
http://poi.apache.org/apidocs/index.html and work from there to see how
a Java programmer would do task x.

In this case, we're looking to get a cell's style attributes. So I'd
start looking at the class Cell.
http://poi.apache.org/apidocs/org/apache/poi/ss/usermodel/Cell.html One
of the methods in Cell is getCellStyle(). Scott implemented that as
either one of SSCell_getCellStyle or HSSFCell_getCellStyle.

It's important to remember that cell styles aren't really a property of
the cell per se; rather they are defined at the workbook level. That
means the new spreadsheet will need to replicate the cell style 'table'
before the program can apply a given style to the cells in that new

To find out how to do that, start at Workbook
That class has several style methods:

You may be more interested to try Workbook.cloneSheet(), then delete all
the rows and populate it yourself. I haven't tried to see if the
existing style table comes along with the cloned copy.

Very often, when I'm trying to implement something new from POI, I'll
write it up in Java and test it there. There are a lot more examples in
Java than in RPG :-) Once the Java code is working, I'll know exactly
what new things I need to prototype for RPG. I put those new prototypes
in a separate source member to make future maintenance of HSSFR4 easier.

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