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On 2018-03-01 7:07 PM, Dan wrote:
Can anyone identify why the compiler spits out RNF0299 "Two keywords have
been specified that are not allowed with each other." per the following:
133 DCL-PI WrtUT82IFS;
134 ParUTF8 VarChar(16000000) CCSID(1208) Const;
======> aaaaa
*RNF0299 20 a 005200 Two keywords have been specified tha...

(Note that the 'aaaaa' appears directly under 'CCSID'.)
The error description is too vague. I found nothing in the v7r1 RPG
Reference that provides clues, and Google was not my friend.

The problem of this error message being difficult to understand is specific to 7.1. For the 7.1 PTFs, an existing, unfortunately vague, message was used to diagnose keywords that can't follow a data-type keyword (like VARCHAR, INT etc). In 7.2, we could use real messages, so an error like that is diagnosed clearly.

Here's what it looks like in 7.2 (using INT instead of VARCHAR, since CCSID is allowed with VARCHAR in 7.2):

2 ParUTF8 int(10) CCSID(1208) Const;
======> aaaaa
*RNF3588 20 a 000200 The keyword is not allowed following keyword INT.

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