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On 3/1/2018 12:07 PM, Justin Taylor wrote:
Has anyone used either of these? Any thoughts/opinions?


I started using Mihael's RPGUnit way back when it was an early release.
I now use the version for RDi that Thomas forked and couldn't be
happier. http://www.tools400.de/rpgunit/update/rdp8.0/

TDD is a game changer for me. Not because of the work flow itself per
se, but because it helps me write code that can be tested right out of
the gate. This really helps me to tease out what the actual
requirements are by keeping my mind on the decisions that the code needs
to make (and get tested).

Every new test suite gets some 'standard' tests:
Invalid numeric input
Below lowest bound
At lowest bound
At highest bound
Above highest bound
Negative numbers
Different CCSID

Often, database rows play a part, so there are some 'standard' DB-facing
tests as well:
Record found
Record not found
Duplicate records
Write that will cause a duplicate record
Write that will cause RI failure
Read/write with insufficient authority
Table not in *LIBL
SQL injection

One side effect of writing the test first is that I seem to be putting
in the error handling right at the start instead of trying to cram it in
after the code is 'done'.

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