On 10-Jul-2017 16:39 -0600, Mario Alexis Salgado Montenegro wrote:
On 10-Jul-2017 16:38 -0600, Arco Simonse wrote:
On 10-Jul-2017 15:36 -0600, Mario Alexis Salgado Montenegro wrote:
On 10-Jul-2017 15:32 -0600, Ric LuBell wrote:
On 10-Jul-2017 15:22 -0600, Mario Salgado Montenegro wrote:
I just want to know how to get the Euro Currency Symbol to
show data on screen and some reports information.
I don't know if some kind of API CCSID conversion apply.
What CCSID are you using? We had to code screens and reports
for an international company dealing in Euros and I think we
did need to change the CCSID to get it to show.
Well actually The system has 65535. Our client access session
works with 284 LatínAmerica.
Irrespective the System Value QCCSID, by this century, each/every
User Profile (USRPRF) should have *appropriate/representative*
language-environment settings for *their* preference; e.g. Sort sequence
(SRTSEQ or QSRTSEQ), Language ID (LANGID or QLANGID), Country or region
ID (CNTRYID or QCNTRYID), Coded Character Set ID (CCSID or QCCSID),
Character Identifier Control (CHRIDCTL or QCHRIDCTL).
Do you have some example to see how to do this ?
A quick google with "ibm ccsid 284 latin america euro" brings up
multiple links that indicate that ccsid 1145 is the euro capable
version of ccsid 284. Hex code 9F is used to represent the euro
Just like that? I just have to declare a hex field and use it on the
screen to show the € simbol?
No "hex field" required; no more so, than anyone would have to
"declare a hex field and use it on the screen to show" the ñ sîmbol.
Just use an appropriate CCSID [i.e. a CCSID in which the Euro symbol
is represented] and other language-environment settings that are
appropriate for the user. Establish these settings in the
emulator/display and job, device [printer and display] file (sources)
fields, database file fields, text stream files. The CCSID is usually,
best established, from each UsrPrf. Some interfaces [e.g. Screen and
Print] may refer to a CHRID, for which typically, the option of using
the Job CCSID (*JOBCCSID) is ideal, to ensure that each user sees the
proper character for any particular code point; i.e. the proper
character conversion is performed automatically, according to the Job
CCSID which is established for each user [at the level of the User
Profile, rather than forced to be system-wide].
Per a reply included above, and a link below, the CCSID 1145 uses the
code point 0x9F representing the €; see
for a visual chart.
With the appropriate language-settings, and effectively, everything
will just work; i.e. the same as would be effected, having used a proper
CCSID and other language environment settings, to include the ñ
character on the display and spooled output. CCSID 284 was satisfactory
for the ñ, but the newer € required re-defining the code point x'9F',
and with that, rather than debasing the CCSID 284, the newer CCSID 1145
was created/born.
character set identifiers]
"CCSID information document
CCSID 1145 (decimal) 0479 (hex)
SC Co-existence/Migration
Registration date
Description ECECP: Spain, Latin America (Spanish)
Notes Related CCSID without euro is 284
Encoding scheme 1100
Size 190
Code Page: (
For spool/print, the display file and printer file sources and
message identifiers, be sure to use CCSID 1145 instead of CCSID 284.
Additionally, the Character Identifier (CHRID) parameter [to represent
the separate CCSID aspects of Graphic Character Set and Code Page,
combined] of Create Printer File (CRTPRTF) or Override With Printer File
(OVRPRTF) and of Create Display File (CRTDSPF) or Override With Display
File (OVRDSPF) may best be set differently than the default; e.g. the
aforementioned *JOBCCSID. The default of *DEVD works just fine, if
users/jobs remain a static CCSID [which mostly they probably would], and
*if* the [usually emulated] Workstation device is properly configured
with a CHRID value that matches the language environment of the User
IMO using the CCSID *from* the user profile is the most sensible,
ensuring the best consistency; that does ignore the fact that there is a
horribly irritating defect, with, IIRC [¿and was still uncorrected on
v7r3?], the help text for use of CHRID(*JOBCCSID).
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