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On 21-Jul-2016 17:36 -0500, Barbara Morris wrote:
On 7/21/2016 6:04 PM, Marvin Radding wrote:

Here are the lines from the first non-commented line to several
below the error:

0030.83 002200+ *========================================================================
0030.84 002300+ dcl-c soapEnvelope_begin
0030.85 002400+ const('<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http:-
0030.86 002500+ //schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">');
0030.87 002600+
0030.88 002700+ dcl-c No_soapHeader const('<soapenv:Header/>');
0030.89 ======> abbbbbbbcddddddef g

Line 0030.86 002500 is a comment line, since it starts with //

Try moving the // to the end of the first line of the constant.

dcl-c soapEnvelope_begin
const('<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://-

By an actual test I was able to verify that cause. And was just about to suggest quite nearly the /same/ resolution; however instead, recommending to change the continuation character from the minus (-) symbol to the plus (+) symbol, which I believe would be desirable and intended there.?

However, is that not just a circumvention for a problem? I would expect that a compiler would interpret the next characters in a line-continuation for a literal specification, as a continuation of that literal?

For example, admittedly not the same type of commenting features, but the following comment-like entities appearing in a string does not cause any problems with the string being generated by the compilers; e.g. in a CLP:

/* ....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+ */
dcl &myVar1 *char 95 value('<soapenv:Env xmlns:soapenv="http:+
monmsg cpf6801
sndmsg ??msg( &myVar1 ) TOUSR(unknown)

And for the SQL as requested from a record-mode input using the RUNSQLSTM like the RPG compiler example, plus is also a line-comment, although with no line-continuation feature other than end of record, which for this example, we will use the default of 80; a 80-byte SRCDTA of a PF-SRC:

drop procedure deleteme
create procedure deleteme
language sql
declare myVariable char(180) default 'qsys/wrkjob option(*opnf) /* <"http:
-- schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> */' ;
call qsys.qcmdexc (v, 0000000180.00000) ;

And for the SQL as requested using a stream-mode input, within STRSQL, although with no line-continuation feature other than end of record, which for this example will be the 68 for that utility:

create procedure deleteme
language sql
declare v char(180) default 'wrkjob option(*opnf) /* <"http:
-- schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> */' ;
call qsys.qcmdexc (v, 0000000180.00000) ;

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