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On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 12:31 PM, Buck Calabro <kc2hiz@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The downside of a separate Java program (or Perl or PHP script, or
Python program) is that it's /separate/.

The crux of my dilemma is this: My existing RPG program has all the
database I/O. It has all of the business rules needed to put the
disparate files together. It has the rules for identifying 'important'
sales - it puts '***' on the report :-( I don't want to re-do all that
stuff in Java or Python; what do I do?

The more or less classic answer is Yet Another Work File which then gets
passed on to Java or Python and have /that/ converted to a spreadsheet.

I agree, that's the classic answer. And for now, you probably can't do
a whole lot better than that with the dynamic languages (Python, Ruby,
PHP, etc.) if you're committed to keeping the existing "business
logic" in already-written RPG.

But I imagine some folks using POI are already doing this anyway. That
is, they didn't want to encumber their existing RPG with the new Excel
stuff, so they employed YAWF instead (or used CPYSPLF after the fact).
But unlike you, they still *would* use RPG for that postprocessing

John Y.

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