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What port (pePort) are you assigning? It doesn't look like there's
anything there.

Binding a socket means you're attaching it to a specific port. If your
port is zero I'm not sure Bind() will work.


On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 2:04 PM, Jeff Young <jyoung0950@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I am working on my first Socket Server program in RPGLE using examples from
Scott Klement.
The first time I ran this program, it was able to bind to the socket and
begin to receive data.
I had a problem in the receive section and manually ended the job.
After I corrected my issue, I submitted the job again and received the
following error on the Bind: The type of socket is not supported in this
Below is the code I am using:
Port = 4002

// Create a new TCP socket that's listening to a port


// parms:

// pePort = port to listen to

// peError = Error message (returned)


// returns: socket descriptor upon success, or -1 upon error


P NewListener B

D NewListener PI 10I 0

D pePort 5U 0 value

D peError 256A

D sock S 10I 0

D len S 10I 0

D bindto S *

D on S 10I 0 inz(1)

D linglen S 10I 0

D ling S *

//** Create a socket


sock = socket(AF_INET:SOCK_STREAM:


if sock < 0;

peError = %str(strerror(errno));

return -1;


//** Tell socket that we want to be able to re-use the server

//** port without waiting for the MSL timeout:

setsockopt(sock: SOL_SOCKET:

SO_REUSEADDR: %addr(on): %size(on));

//** create space for a linger structure

linglen = %size(linger);

ling = %Alloc(LingLen);

p_linger = ling;

//** tell socket to only linger for 2 minutes, then discard:

l_onoff = 1;

l_linger = 120;

setsockopt(sock: SOL_SOCKET: SO_LINGER:

ling: linglen);

//** free up resources used by linger structure

dealloc(E) ling;

//** Create a sockaddr_in structure

len = %size(sockaddr_in);

BinDtO = %Alloc(Len);

p_sockaddr = bindto;

sin_family = AF_INET;

sin_addr = INADDR_ANY;

sin_port = pePort;

sin_zero = *ALLx'00';

//** Bind socket to port

if bind(sock: bindto: len) < 0; <=== Receive error on this
line peError = %str(strerror(errno));

callp close(sock);

dealloc(E) bindto;

return -1;


//** Listen for a connection

if listen(sock: MAXC) < 0;

peError = %str(strerror(errno));

callp close(sock);

dealloc(E) bindto;

return -1;


//** Return newly set-up socket:

dealloc(E) bindto;

return sock;



All suggestions welcome.

Jeff Young
Sr. Programmer Analyst
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