Thanks for the post.
Does CommandGate allow calls to feed response data back to the caller ?
Your command gate component looks interesting, but it adds another layer to worry about because it requires Tomcat or some other app server container, correct ?
My goal is to be able to create CL commands that don't necessarily require RPG, but simply call a simple fall thru Java program to do some action such as process a PDF with iText, Read/Write XML, etc and allow parameters to be sent back from the Java CPP to the command so that the CL commands are embeddable in a standard CL job stream and can return parms via the CL command wrapper.
An interesting by-product from my testing and using JT400 was the simple ability to run a job on a remote system and bring back response data without any special remote system setup. JT400 rocks for inter-system IBMi communications and can now be used to easily perform inter-system program calls without a lot of work.
The secondary goal is to possibly move some RPG developers forward who may have been previously afraid to touch Java. As you know it's not that hard to use. It just gets roughed up a lot :)
In today's world with the faster JVMs available and installed natively, there's no reason not to consider Java to build command processing programs that use the JVM directly.
With my approach an RPG developer will hopefully be able to be writing Java based fully callable/embeddable CL commands within a few hours without any system setup beyond building a little CL program and placing a small Java class in the appropriate IFS folder.
If they want, they can even edit and compile from the green screen. Not that I recommend that, but it is possible :)
Richard Schoen | Director of Document Management Technologies, HelpSystems
T: + 1 952-486-6802
RJS Software Systems | A Division of HelpSystems
for your presentation: be sure to have a look to CommandGate (it's open
source) it provides a command RUNJAVARUN running java<> from CL much faster
(typically more than 10 times faster!!!) with much better scalability (only
one prestarted JVM<> for multiple users)
ps: if you need any assistance for installing and using CommandGate, feel
free to drop me a mail
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