The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.
On 11-Sep-2014 15:11 -0500, (WalzCraft) Jerry Forss wrote:
I have and inquiry pgm (SQLRPGLE) that searches on names. Works
great until the search name contains a quote like O'CONNER.
The select statement looks like:
Select PhCsNo, PhCsNm, PhCont, PhCTyp, PhPhNo, PhFxNo, PhEml,
PhAdd1, PhAdd2, PhCity, PhStCd, PhZipC
From PhMast PM
Where PM.PhCont Like '%O'CONNER%'
Order By PhCsNo
How should it look when there is an embedded quote?
The answer for the SQL [unrelated to the RPG] was already given; i.e.
to escape the apostrophe with an apostrophe:
An alternative is to use the replace-one-character character of the
underscore, although possibly giving undesirable matches [even while
resolving any issue whereby the presumed-as apostrophe was stored as
something other than the apostrophe; e.g. the ` character]; i.e.:
Depending on how the search value is obtained [i.e. the example shows
a literal used for the operand on the LIKE predicate, but may not be
representative.?] and where the value is utilized in a host language
[such as RPG], the following might be helpful to review; the first for
embedded SQL, the second for purely dynamic SQL:
Given: SrchTkn is declared as an alpha Host Variable /varying/ [of
sufficient length]:
1) No escaping the apostrophe [as string delimiter] is required:
... WHERE PM.PhCont LIKE '%' CONCAT :SrchTkn CONCAT '%'
2) Escaping the apostrophe [as string delimiter] is handled by the SQL
scalar REPLACE() function, before appending the result to the dynamic
clause being constructed:
exec SQL
SET :SrchTkn = REPLACE( :SrchTkn , '''' , '''''' ) ;
WhereClause = ' WHERE PM.PhCont LIKE ''%'' CONCAT '
+ SrchTkn + 'CONCAT ''%''' ;
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