On 28-Jan-2014 06:22 -0800, John Allen wrote:
CRPence on Friday, January 17, 2014 7:17 AM wrote:
Seems the intent is to effect the same as "F16=Remove all except
unanswered" from the Display Messages panel.?
This sounds like it will work. I will try it and see.
I have some code in CL using RCVMSG and RMVMSG [instead of the APIs],
that already does effectively what "F16=Remove all except unanswered"
does, and is at least somewhat tested. There is a simplistic version,
and then there is a slightly more complex version.
The latter version ensures the order of processing mimics the visual
presentation of messages in the queue. That is, replies are processed
directly after their inquiries, because each inquiry is checked to see
if there is a reply to that inquiry message, rather than the replies
being processed in the order each reply was\if eventually sent. The
ordering could be significant, for example, if the intent is to make an
effective copy of the DSPMSG presentation; that is what my original code
did, for some testing purposes.
When the order is irrelevant however, looking for a reply to any
particular inquiry message is moot. The reply messages will eventually
get removed when they are encountered later [per order by time of
receipt rather than immediately after the inquiry], and thus also their
corresponding inquiry will be deleted, as the implicit side effect of
having removed the reply. In that processing, all inquiries can simply
be ignored, such that all inquiries without a reply will remain in the
MSGQ. My code doing just that, follows in a code snippet below, just
after some necessary setup to effect a test. Obviously the work behind
the CpyMsg label is optional, and could be replaced by whatever work
might be required for the context of the OP:
setup: crtmsgq qtemp/qfrom
crtmsgq qtemp/qcopy
snd... /* populate qtemp/qfrom with test messages */
dcl &mq *char 10 qfrom
dcl &ml *char 10 qtemp
dcl &cq *char 10 qcopy
dcl &cl *char 10 qtemp
dcl &msgkey *char 4
dcl &curkey *char 4
dcl &msgtyp *char 2
dcl &curtyp *char 2
dcl &msgtxt *char 132
dcl &rpytxt *char 32
rcvmsg () (&ml/&mq) (*NEXT) (*TOP) rmv(*no) +
keyvar(&MSGKEY) msg(&MSGTXT) rtntype(&MSGTYP)
PrcMsgs: /* for every message in from-msgq */
DoWhile (&MsgKey *NE ' ') /* inputs: MsgKey MsgTyp MsgTxt */
CpyMsg: /* Copy Msg Txt of this message to the other MsqQ */
sndpgmmsg () (cpf9897) (qcpfmsg) (&msgtyp *bcat &msgtxt) +
tomsgq(&cl/&cq) msgtype(*info)
CurMsg: /* save details about the current msg being processed */
chgvar &curkey &msgkey
chgvar &curtyp &msgtyp
NxtMsg: /* get next relative message; must be done before RmvMsg! */
rcvmsg msgq(&ml/&mq) msgtype(*next) msgkey(&CURKEY) rmv(*no) +
keyvar(&MSGKEY) msg(&MSGTXT) rtntype(&MSGTYP)
RmvMsg: /* remove any non-Inqmsg; deleting a Rpy removes its Inq */
if (&curtyp *ne '05') then(do) /* Do not delete Inquiries! */
rmvmsg msgq(&ML/&MQ) msgkey(&CURKEY) clear(*bykey)
EndDo /* EndWhile MsgKey is found */
The revision to the above latter version of the code to effect the
former [more complex] version of the code which orders processing of the
reply message immediately after its corresponding inquiry, adds the code
snippet immediately following just before the NxtMsg label and the
replaces the activity under the CpyMsg label with the next code snippet
that simply conditions the SNDPGMMSG to avoid copying a duplicate of the
if (&curtyp *eq '05') then(do) /* processing an Inq msg */
GetRpy: /* look for a reply to this inquiry */
rcvmsg () (&ml/&mq) (*RPY) (&CURKEY) rmv(*no) msg(&RPYTXT) +
if (&msgtyp *eq ' ') then(do) /* blank means no *rpy msgtype */
NfyRpyPnd: /* no rpy to copy; indicate reply is pending */
sndpgmmsg () (cpf9897) (qcpfmsg) ('** awaiting reply **') +
tomsgq(&cl/&cq) msgtype(*info)
else do
CpyRpy: /* like CpyMsg; copy reply to the other msgq */
sndpgmmsg () (cpf9897) (qcpfmsg) (&msgtyp *bcat &rpytxt) +
tomsgq(&cl/&cq) msgtype(*info)
enddo /* An inquiry message */
if ( *not ( (%sst(&msgtyp 1 1) *eq '2') *and +
(%sst(&msgtyp 2 1) *ge '1') *and +
(%sst(&msgtyp 2 1) *le '6') ) ) then(do)
/* Rpy msgs ignored here else copied both in GetRpy and here */
sndpgmmsg () (cpf9897) (qcpfmsg) (&msgtyp *bcat &msgtxt) +
tomsgq(&cl/&cq) msgtype(*info)
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