× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

On 11-Dec-2013 11:40 -0800, Hayes, Daniel wrote:
CPF4297 - Value specified in UFCB (User File Control Block) is not
valid at offset 0.

In what context? The spooled joblog with LOG(4 0 *SECLV) including the request message up to the error message would give the context.

I found this is a test run that seemed to have ran fine, perhaps it
was due to the monitor for CPF0000.

Ignoring error messages for what? Apparently there is a CLP preceding the RPG program getting called? The joblog as alluded above, should include starting from the request message showing the call to the CLP and include LOGCLPGM messages, to provide even more appropriate context for the messaging.

Maybe also provide some [pseudo]code snippets and explanation of what should transpire, to give even more context.

I have never experienced this one before, but my boss says she has
seen it and it required ending her session and starting a new
session to enable her to run a query.

What happens with CLOF is used to close the file? Perhaps the effects of the close will also be visible in the joblog, given the signoff was done with listing enabled.

The query statement from the dump was simply 'DAPCHKNUM *NE " " ' .

Seems more a predicate in a clause, than a /statement/.

Any light shed would be greatly appreciated.

Corrupted storage is my guess. The User File Control Block (UFCB) is juse /user/ storage; part of automatic [or static] storage for the program that defines how the file is to be opened. Improper references to storage, due mostly to mismatch in declared data type\length and mostly in parameters, is typically the origin.

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