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I've suggested something along that line, but there is resistence since
they would like a "real time" response back to the calling app.

Hello, we had a similar requirement. How we handled this was for the
app to write to a physical file with a batchid as the key. The .NET
called the sp and passed the batchid.
The rpgle program then processed all the rows for the passed batchid.

This doesn't exactly answer your question but it may be an alternative

On 2013-08-22 10:20 AM, RPGLIST wrote:

I'm looking at using a stored procedure (which references an existing
RPGLE program) for connecting to an external process. I would need to be
able to send multiple rows.

We have a windows app that would call a stored procedure and pass it
approximately 59 fields of data, but it can contain up to 99 rows of

Is this even possible? I was thinking of just defining the full length of
the data structure and using that as a clob field or something along that
lines but it doesn't sound very efficient.

Websphere and a web service is not an option, the owner flat out shot
spending the money for that. So I'm back to square one.
This is the RPG programming on the IBM i (AS/400 and iSeries) (RPG400-L)
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