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Hi Barbara, thanks for chiming in!

Just so I am sure I get it, an EVAL that sets a varying to the value of a fixed, that gets the size of the fixed, right? This could include trailing blanks, as I recall.

Now your MOVE example moved a longer value to a shorter. I assume that for a MOVE, the length of the varying does not change, perhaps related to the move-right. Is the original size maintained with a MOVEL, also?

Just curious and headed home, so won't be testing for a while anyhow!


On 2/25/2013 3:44 PM, Barbara Morris wrote:
On 2013/2/23 8:21 AM, Vernon Hamberg wrote:
Everything I've done with varying variables is in free-form or EVAL
statements. I've never tried a MOVE varying to fixed, so I just tried
it. Here's the code, where I put a shorter value into a varying field
that already has a value:

MOVE of a varying to fixed works as you'd expect.

But MOVE of a fixed to a varying, or a varying to a varying, doesn't
necessarily work the way you'd expect. If you have a varying result
field in the fixed-form opcodes that have a P=pad extender, the current
length of the varying result field is not changed by the operation.

D fixedvar S 10A inz('1234567890')

D varyingvar S 10A VARYING
D INZ('abc')

c move fixedvar varyingvar

varyingvar will have the value '890' (3 bytes because it's value had
been 'abc' before, and '890' because MOVE is a move-right).

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