On 2012/5/9 12:37 PM, murali dhar wrote:
I am doing duplicate definition of XML to match to my file fields.
In below example branch and product are referenced to
brand_Template.branchcode and brand_Template.productcode respectively.
Since brand_Template has got DIM(999) Is my definition correct for
branch and product in File1_Template?
Only two elements branch and product belong to array data structure
(brand_Template) and rest come from anotehr data structure which is not
an array. How do I handle dim(999)definition from brand_Template to
these two elements in File1_template data structure?
Your brand_Template doesn't have DIM(999). You only have DIM(999) on the
brand subfield of brands_Template.
d brands_Template...
d DS qualified based(dummy_ptr)
d brand likeds(brand_Template) DIM(999)
d brand_Template DS qualified based(dummy_ptr)
d name 10a
d branchcode 5a
d productcode 6a
Here is your File1_template ds:
d File1_Template...
d ds qualified based(ptrbrand)
d branch like(brand_Template.branchcode)
If you don't want the File1_Template.branch subfield to be an array,
then it is already fine.
LIKE and LIKEDS definitions don't inherit the DIM keyword, so if you do
want the File1_Template.branch subfield to be an array, you have to code
the DIM keyword.
You could code it as DIM(%ELEM(brands_Template.brand)), but I think it
would be better to define a named constant as 999, and use that for all
the DIM keywords.
d brands_Template...
d DS qualified based(dummy_ptr)
d brand likeds(brand_Template)
d dim(MAX_BRAND)
d File1_Template...
d ds qualified based(ptrbrand)
d branch like(brand_Template.branchcode)
d dim(MAX_BRAND)
Just to clarify what I said about LIKEDS not inheriting the DIM keyword,
that's only for the DS itself. A LIKEDS definition does inherit the DIM
keyword for any array subfields subfields.
d ds1 ds qualified dim(10)
d subf 10a dim(5)
d ds2 ds likeds(ds1)
d ds3 ds likeds(ds1) dim(%elem(ds1))
ds2 is not an array, but ds2.subf is an array with dim(5).
ds3 is an array with dim(10), and ds3(i).subf is also an array with dim(5).
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