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1 - Other than a customer issued edict like "print barcodes" so they
purchase TL Ashford's package, do people on older releases actually
purchase new software? For example, when was the last time you made a new
sale to someone running a version that was long out of support?
2 - Many existing customers want their vendors to come up with a policy of
only supporting releases currently supported by IBM. That would give them
a 'business' reason to upgrade their OS and maybe even their hardware. For
example, if a PC vendor announced they were going to stop supporting
Windows 3.1 and you had to have XP, 2008 or 7 and it meant that the person
could finally go to their manager and say "Hey Peachtree announced they
were going to drop Windows 3.1 and the new tax laws are coming out and if
we want support we have to upgrade our PC". How many managers would
really kick and scream and tell their accounting manager to shop for a new
package that still runs on 3.1?
3 - Would you rather please the small market of people who still run
obsolete hardware, or be able to take advantage of the larger pool of
people who still occasionally write checks for IT department purchases?

Rob Berendt

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