Changed the program to check for SQL error and problem appears to be
happening on associate result set statement.
Here is the new joblog:
Open of member AILOGPF was changed to SEQONLY(*NO).
Space offset X'FFFFFFFF' or X'0000000000000000' is outside current limit
for object MSRL3G684APALHC 039746.
SQL system error.
====> In detail it says: Internal error type 3171 has occurred.
Ownership of object GPTFLST in QTEMP type *USRSPC changed.
Error occurred when running SQL statement. SQLSTATE = 5800, SQLCODE =
-901, PSSR ID = PSSR-002.
new updated program code:
D PCBRcd E DS extname(AILPCBRS) qualified
D totalRow S 10i 0
D cuno S 7 0 inz(6176640)
* utility service program
/Define Copy_SVUTIL_prototype
/Include Qrpglesrc,SVUTILCPY
exec sql call AILPCBSP(:cuno, :totalRow);
utilCheckSQLStatus_ESC(sqlStt :sqlCode :*omit :'PSSR-001');
exec sql associate result set locator (:rs) with procedure AILPCBSP;
utilCheckSQLStatus_ESC(sqlStt :sqlCode :*omit :'PSSR-002');
exec sql allocate C1 cursor for result set :rs;
utilCheckSQLStatus_ESC(sqlStt :sqlCode :*omit :'PSSR-003');
exec sql fetch C1 into :PCBRcd;
utilCheckSQLStatus_ESC(sqlStt :sqlCode :*omit :'PSSR-004');
dow sqlCode = 0;
exec sql fetch C1 into :PCBRcd;
exec sql close C1;
*inlr = *on;
"CRPence" wrote in message
The code does not check the SQLcode nor SQLstate after each Exec SQL,
so do you even know what statement is failing with the -901? The "SQL
system error", SQL0901 in QSQLMSG, is a "function check" error for the
SQL; effective equivalent of CPF9999 for [most of the rest of] the OS.
There is some tooling associated with the -901 for which automatic doc
collections occur, as made visible in the completion message for the
User Space. I do not recall the details, but have posted about it before.
In this case some program request failed with msgMCH0601, for what
appears to be a reference to the max offset, in a failed access to the
process automatic storage. Though given only a print screen or
copy\paste of the interactive joblog versus the actual spooled joblog
which includes the message identifiers, the context of the messaging,
and additionally the second level text, what that MCH0601 means can not
be divined.
Regards, Chuck
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