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hi Gary,

If you go to this link:

You'll see that there are separate folders for standalone and tomcat installations. If you click on one of those folders, there will be a ZIP file.

If you grab that ZIP file, it contains detailed installation instructions (in a file called install.txt) It also contains drivers for MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle and IBM i DB2, already included in the ZIP file....

I haven't installed it, myself (I just looked it up based on your question) but it looks like it has everything you're looking for, all in that .ZIP file.

On 9/9/2011 3:48 PM, Gary Thompson wrote:
I am planning my first attempt to install ArdGate on system i at v7r1m0

So far I have:
1) an MC Press article by Chris Smith
2) an RPGIV @ Work article by Chamara Withanachchi
3) other stuff gathered from web searches, etc
4) downloaded AppServer4RPG.jar from SourceForge.net
5) copied the .jar file to the IFS on system i

My current goal is to install ArdGate as a standalone Java application
and avoid the need to run WebSphere or Tomcat.

From a midrange.com post by Mihael Schmidt, Dieter Bender describes
three install steps:

- install ArdGate ....

- add the JDBC database to the remote database directory

- install the JDBC driver archive to ArdGate and provide url and driver

With my near total lack of Java experience, these three steps are pretty
mysterious, but here is what I think:

A) I need a copy of an RPG program named JDBCGATE.

B) I need to know more about the "configuration of ArdGate".

It seems there is a configuration file to be updated to:

B1) identify the database (MySql, Oracle, Sql Server)

B2) locate the JDBC driver for the db identified in B1

C) I need more detail about handling classpath settings.

I have learned a little about classpath from Scott Klement's RPG

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