hi TA,
I wonder if you are confusing two different things? There are two date
related things you might be referring to...
1. The *DATE special field. This is a numeric field, provided by the
RPG compiler, that always contains the job date. You might refer to
this as "the *DATE field".
2. The date variable type. When you create a variable, you assign it a
data type (A=Alpha, P=Packed, S=Zoned, etc) and there's a D=Date data
type you can use. You might refer to a field defined this was as "a
date field" (notice that I did _not_ say "a *date field")
Anyway, based on your text, I'm wondering if you're confusing the two
things. Edit codes (such as Y) are only for numeric values -- so they
will indeed work with *DATE, which is numeric. So if the reference
manual says that Y works with *DATE, it's absolutely correct. (*DATE is
_not_ a date field, it's a numeric field.)
If you want to format a date (data type) field, then it's easy enough to
do... For example, you could do this:
myCharField = %char(myDateField:*USA)
// result = 08/02/2011
Or if you want to remove leading zeroes you could trim them:
myCharField = %triml(%char(myDateField:*USA):'0');
// result = 8/02/2011 or 10/02/2011
If you want to remove leading zeroes from any of the components of the
date, you'd have to do it yourself (more or less) but it's not hard.
myCharField = %char(%subdt(myDateField:*MONTHS)) + '/'
+ %char(%subdt(myDateField:*DAYS)) + '/'
+ %char(%subdt(myDateField:*YEARS));
These examples are all in the USA format (MM/DD/YYYY), but they don't
have to be... you can replace *USA with other formats, applicable to
different environments.
Does this help, or am I barking up the wrong tree?
On 8/2/2011 4:32 PM, Timothy Adair wrote:
In the printer output specs of my program, I am attempting to suppress the
leading zero on a *DATE field. According to the RPG ILE manual (v6r1) I
should be able to do this with a "Y" edit code.
Unfortunately, the RPG compiler gives *RNF7059 (Editing is not valid with a
field that is not numeric; the Edit Code or Edit Word defaults to blanks).
Am I missing something obvious?
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