Sorry for not replying earlier. I been in quite a few meetings today...
That is exactly how it is done: 1) Swap, 2) execute command 3) Release swapped profile; I also considered all the points that you mention from the documentation.
I discovered the problem: There was a OVRPRTF OPNSCOPE(*JOB) already happening somewhere inside the server job.
So inside my TESTPRT I simply did OVRPRTF SECURE(*YES) and the spools were properly created under the swapped User Profile as should and continued using IMPERSONAT without any changes.
Thanks all for all your replies.
-----Original Message-----
From: rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Monnier, Gary
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 10:59 AM
To: RPG programming on the IBM i / System i
Subject: RE: Spool files under original User even after QWTSETP was issuestoSwap a User Profile.
I was thinking more of how you actually are performing the profile swap
in the server program. Something like this...
Swap to new user by calling IMPERSONAT.
Call program TESTPRT from SERVERPGM.
Release swapped to handle.
From what you provided I can't really tell if the call to TESTPRT is
being performed after a profile swap has occurred.
When swapping/switching to another profile you follow these basic steps.
1. Obtain a profile handle for the current user (The Source) not the
job user. There is a difference.
2. Obtain a profile handle for the user profile you wish to switch to
- The Target.
3. Switch to the desired user profile by setting the profile handle.
4. Do something.
5. Release The Target's handle.
6. Switch to The Source's user profile by setting the profile handle.
Things to keep in mind...
o If the "get of a profile handle" process fails the API returns a
CPF message. It may or may not be in the job log.
o The program getting and setting profile handles needs to have
enough authority to do so. This means the program(s)
performing these functions have to be able to use the profiles
(read *ALLOBJ special authority) and to perform some
work against the profiles (read *SECADM special authority). This can
be accomplished using adopted authority. The
program(s) are owned by a profile with these authorities and the
program adopts the owner's authorities.
o If the "set profile handle" process fails the API returns a CPF
message. It may or may not be in the job log.
o From IBM's documentation:
"Once the change has been made, any open files and objects allocated
by the original profile are accessible to the new profile."
"The qualified job name DOES NOT change to reflect the new
user profile. However, any object created by the thread while
running under the new profile is owned by the new profile or its
group profile."
"any spooled files created are, by default, owned by that profile.
This is controlled by the spool file owner (SPLFOWN) parameter
on the CRTPRTF command and is done by putting the file under a
QPRTJOB job. Any spooled file command that references the
spooled file with the job special value * will only access those
files that were created before the profiles were swapped."
"A QPRTJOB job is the name of a job that files are spooled under when
the current job's user name is not the same as the user
profile currently running. For example, if you use Set Profile
Handle to set the profile to user JOE and create a spooled file, the
is spooled under job nnnnnn/JOE/QPRTJOB. This ensures that user JOE
owns the spooled file and if that user uses the WRKSPLF
command, the file is displayed."
Hope this helps.
Gary Monnier
-----Original Message-----
From: rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jorge Merino
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 8:41 PM
To: RPG programming on the IBM i / System i
Subject: RE: Spool files under original User even after QWTSETP was
issuestoSwap a User Profile.
The "Server Job" is a job that was submitted to call SERVERPGM program
the jobq runs on a custom Subsystem: crtsbsd sbsd(&lib/&sbsd) pools((1
*BASE)) aut(*use).
So the calling to IMPERSONAT from SERVERPGM is as follows:
<code pgm="SERVERPGM">
... lines of code ...
chgvar &cmdlenght 17
chgvar &cmdstring 'CALL pgm(TESTPRT)'
call impersonat ('NEW_USER' '0' ' ' &cmdlenght &cmdstring )
... lines code ...
There is not CPF messages returned by any API when it is run on that
"server job", which is what is puzzling me.
I have a TESTPRT program that its only purpose in life is to create
dummy spool files.
So I do my interactive testing: CALL TEST_IMPERS
<code pgm="TEST_IMPERS">
chgvar &cmdlength 17
chgvar &cmdstring 'CALL pgm(TESTPRT)'
call impersonat ('NEW_USER' '0' ' ' &cmdlength &cmdstring )
I actually can post the entire source code for IMPERSONAT, I think it
could be useful for someone, but for now, I'm just going to put a chunk
of code at the bottom. Once again, it works great calling it
interactively, I've used these APIs before QSYGETPH/QWTSETP/QSYRLSPH but
never encountered this issue before.
The purpose on life for IMPERSONAT is to swap from QPGMR to a given
user, then execute a legacy program/command that will use SDS and
generate reports that have to be generated under the given user.
<code pgm="IMPERSONAT">
d New_User 10 Const
d JobType 1 Const
d Error 1N
d CmdLength 5p 0 Const
d CmdString 5120 Options(*Varsize) Const
// Log Parameters
: 'User [' + %trim(sds_user) + '] Started
+' for user[' + %trim(New_user) + '],'
+' Job Type[' + JobType + '],'
+' Command Lenght[' + %char(CmdLength) + ']'
:' -- CMD:'+ %Subst(CmdString : 1 : CmdLength)
If validateOK();
error = SwapUser('*SET' : New_User : new_user_ph : ori_user_ph
If error;
ShowOnJobLog('CPF9897' : 'There is an Error when +
trying to impersonate ' + new_user );
error = execute();
SwapUser('*RLS' : *Blanks :
new_user_ph : ori_user_ph );
error = *On;
:'Errors logged on impersonation- See errors in
Job Log'
: write_qhst);
If error;
ShowOnJobLog('CPF9897' : 'End Impersonation');
*InLR = *On;
*@function: execute
p execute B
d execute pi n
d tlength s 10i 0
tlength = CmdLength;
If JobType = '0'; // Batch
tlength += 27; // Add the SBMCMD+Parms string length.
+ %SubSt(CmdString : 1 : CmdLength)
QCmd = CmdString;
QCMDEXC(QCmd : tlength );
error = *On;
Return error;
p E
*@function: validateOK
p validateOK B
d validateOK pi n
d return_OK s n Inz(*On)
// Validation goes here....
Return return_OK;
p E
*@function: SwapUser
p SwapUser B
d SwapUser pi n
d action 5 Const
d new_user 10 Const
d new_user_ph 12
d ori_user_ph 12
d error_return s n
When action = '*RLS';
When action = '*SET';
error_return = SetUserProfile();
error_return = *On;
If error_return;
ShowOnJobLog('CPF9897' : 'Errors on SwapUser()');
return error_return;
p SwapUser E
*@function: SetUserProfile
p SetUserProfile b
d SetUserProfile pi n
d error_return s n inz(*off)
// Get Profile Handle Profile Handle
: '*NOPWD'
: ori_user_ph
: QSYGETPH_error
If QSYGETPH_error.bytes_available <> 0;
error_return = *On;
ShowOnJobLog('CPF9897' :'Errors on QSYGETPH *CURRENT');
// Get Profile Handle for New User
QSYGETPH( New_user
: '*NOPWD'
: new_user_ph
: QSYGETPH_error
If QSYGETPH_error.bytes_available <> 0;
error_return = *On;
ShowOnJobLog('CPF9897' :'Errors on QSYGETPH ' + New_user);
// Swap User, so the current thread runs under this user.
QWTSETP( new_user_ph : QWTSETP_error );
If QWTSETP_error.bytes_available <> 0;
error_return = *On;
// Set Job User identity to the name of the Job
If QWTSJUID_error.bytes_available <> 0;
error_return = *On;
error_return = *On;
return error_return;
p SetUserProfile e
*@function: ReleaseUserProfile
*@Description: Releases the Swapped User and put back the Original
p ReleaseUserProfile...
p b
d ReleaseUserProfile...
d pi
QWTSJUID(2: QWTSJUID_error ); // Clear Job User Identity
QWTSETP( ori_user_ph: QWTSETP_error );
QSYRLSPH( new_user_ph : QSYRLSPH_error );
QSYRLSPH( ori_user_ph : QSYRLSPH_error );
p ReleaseUserProfile...
p e
I spent few hours searching the midrange archives, looking into the IBM
documentation, looking into very old posts and I can't find where the
mistake is.
Your help is highly appreciated.
Jorge Merino
-----Original Message-----
From: rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Monnier, Gary
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 4:59 PM
To: RPG programming on the IBM i / System i
Subject: RE: Spool files under original User even after QWTSETP was
issues toSwap a User Profile.
Which server are you running your IMPERSONAT program from and what CPF
error are you encountering?
I've had a wee bit of experience with profile switching so if you feel
comfortable sending me a pseudo-code of the steps you are taking in the
server and IMPERSONAT I may be able to help.
Gary Monnier
-----Original Message-----
From: rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jorge Merino
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 3:29 PM
To: RPG programming on the IBM i / System i
Subject: Spool files under original User even after QWTSETP was issues
toSwap a User Profile.
I just created a program to do "impersonation" and execute a give
command, that is a small program that basically will swap the user id
and execute a given command.
The program uses the following APIs in the following order:
ori_user_ph = QSYGETPH(*current)
New_user_PH = QSYGETPH(New_user)
--Command Execution--
QWTSETP( ori_user_ph )
QWTSJUID( clear )
QSYRLSPH( new_user_ph )
QSYRLSPH( ori_user_ph )
The program gets compiled with a regular PGMR non-*ALLOBJ user. Let's
say that my program is called IMPERSONAT.
After compilation, I have a *SECADM level user to change the program as:
I execute the program in a regular interactive Job and it works great.
It creates some spool files under the new user, so far so good. These
are some job attributes:
Subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : QINTER
Subsystem pool ID . . . . . . . . . . . . : 2
Type of job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : INTER
Special environment . . . . . . . . . . . . : *NONE
However, this program must be called from a existing server job running
under QPGMR, so I call the new program exactly as I called the program
interactively, and here is the problem: the spool files are still shown
under QPGMR rather than the new user.
Subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : RNSFIN2
Subsystem pool ID . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1
Type of job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : BATCH
Special environment . . . . . . . . . . . . : *NONE
I'm receiving the Error DS from QWTSETP (and any API involved) in order
to know if there is errors, I even logging every error returned from any
API into the job log but no errors are returned; I'm even doing SBMJOB
CMD(CALL IMPERSONAT) from the server job rather than a regular CALL ,
notice that I'm not using the USER() parameter on SBMJOB but the program
gets executed under the new User even using its Job Description.
The first version of my program was using the Service Program APIs
equivalent, but I changed them to use API OPMs just in case. I also
added QWTSJUID to change the Job User Identity for the Job, just after
QWTSETP (for both to set and to clear).
How can I force the server job to generate the new spool files under the
user just after QWTSETP happened?
Any Ideas, suggestions?
Jorge Merino
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