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James wrote:
I'm running into a field name collision between two files (one of which
already has a PREFIX clause that, ironically, while preventing a whole
bunch of collisions, is the cause of this one).

Is there a way, without having to I-spec an entire file, or change the
prefix (which could break an awful lot of code), to rename the one
offending field?

It's on a V6 customer box, so all the "slick new stuff" I try to avoid
in core code is available.

then Joe wrote:
Yup. I-spec for the format name, then use a second I-spec to specify
the internal and external names of the colliding field.

Joe -

Technically, the 2nd I spec (used to specify the internal and external
fields) is known by the SEU and WDSC prompters as a J spec.

To prompt it,

1) In SEU use IPJX in the sequence number field to insert and prompt it, or
2) In WDSC insert a blank line then type PJX in the sequence number column
to get the prompt screen.


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