× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


Thanks for the response. I had actually thought of doing something like that. Unfortunately I'm out of screen real estate to add it to the SFL record.

It turns out that I'm going to have to change it to a page-at-time SFL anyway, for a totally different reason. But this was a good SFL "refresher course" for me, so I can genuinely say that I really appreciate everyone's help.


(Romans 5:8)

"John Rusling" <jrusling@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message news:mailman.35661.1300976965.2702.rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx...

How about in the subfile record, add a sfpage# field in
position 76 for example,

Assuming the subfile displays 12 lines onscreen for each page...

Then, as you are loading the load-all subfile, have a workpage#
that you increment whenever you've read 12 records.

Then for rrn 1,13,25,37 etc you move the workpage# into the sfpage#
for any other values move zero into the sfpage#.

The page # would always be on the screen in the topmost line
of the subfile.

I'm shooting out my u-know-what here, but hey, if it works. <g>

John B

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