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It's been a few years since I've done this, but there is a way in a green
screen application to refresh the screen. It's perfect for Kiosk usage. I
had to abandon it because it removed the keyboard buffer and stray enter
key presses would get inserted in to my code by an impatient user who
presses the key several time "just to be sure" whenever they would process
a certain screen. I remember the INVITE keyword being used, I can look it
up again if you are using a green screen.
If it's web based I'm sure someone more knowledgeable than me can answer
it form that angle.

Booth Martin <booth@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
RPG programming on the IBM i / System i <rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
08/05/2010 11:41 AM
Refreshing a kiosk screen
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Refreshing a kiosk screen

This is probably simple, but it has me scratching my head. I want to
automatically refresh a screen. There must be a better way than a loop
that just keeps subtracting the start time from the current time until
the refresh limit is reached? That seems like a solution that will
hammer performance. There must be a better way?

Any suggestions?

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